Q and A


Do I need to re-test again at 8 weeks – 12weeks?


I am really uncertain about the HIV testing so I thought I would ask the question.

I have had mutliple exposures (silly I know)

I am getting tested in 2 weeks in my GUM clinic thats exactly 6 – 4 weeks after my exposures. Now I am also going to get tested last week of October which will be 5 weeks after exposure can I be certain that this test is conclusive or would I need to re-test again at 8 weeks – 12weeks?


Thank you for your question.

The answer depends on which test you are having. If you are having a third generation antibody only test then it is accurate 6-12 weeks after infection. If you are having a fourth generation antibody and antigen test then it is accurate enough to detect 95% of infections at 28 days.

UK guidelines recommend that a negative test at 28 days needs to be confirmed by a test at 12 weeks.

For more information please follow this link.

To avoid putting yourself at risk again in the future please follow this link about how to prevent HIV infection