
Is my test at 12 weeks correct?

I recently had a negative HIV test at 12 weeks. However, I have now had a dry cough for about 6 weeks that I cannot seem to get rid off. A bit worried now. I’ve been told that an HIV test at 12 weeks is conclusive – I am still a bit concerned however – has it ever been known for HIV antibodies to show after 12 weeks?


Thank you for your question.

If you have had a negative HIV test at 12 weeks then you do not have HIV. Any antibodies to HIV would have shown up on this test. The cough is likely to be caused by another infection altogether and you should speak to your doctor about this.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jessy,

    Please see quesiton one here:

  2. Jessy

    I have tested negative to first response HIV rapid test at 12 weeks after a possible exposure. I am still worried since I am having neck pains and a few small bumps around my neck. I do have a lump in my neck for about 6 weeks now which has reduced in size. I am the only one who can feel it by rubbing my hand at the location. Please your urgent advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jessy,

    Please see quesiton 1 and 8 here:

  4. Jessy

    I had a negative first response rapid hiv test 10 weeks after an unprotected sex with an hiv positive girl. Am I safe or still need to retest. And if so when can I consider my test conclusive.

  5. Charlotte Walker

    There has not been a case documented where someone who tested negative at 12 weeks then tested positive at 6 months from the same exposure. You need to be careful what information you read on the internet and make sure it is from a reliable source. It is extremely unlikely that an immune problem would affect the result at 3 months (12 weeks). If the immune system was that weak then the individual would be really very sick and the doctors would then change the test to look for the virus rather than the immune response. A cough would not affect the test results

  6. tom

    How can you say this if it says on every other site you should test up to six months? When was the last time someone had a positive result after 12 weeks when they had a negative result before, does it still happen? What kind of immune problems would effect the test? We don’t know if this guy has immune problems.