Q and A


Is my baby HIV positive?

I am HIV-positive. I was on treatment during pregnancy and I had a normal delivery. I did not breastfeed. My viral load was undetectable when the baby was born.

My baby’s HIV test was done after four months. I received a letter from the clinic saying her test is a likely reflection of my status. I was also told that the test had to be repeated after two months. I am worried. Does that mean that my baby is definitely HIV-positive?


Thank you for your question. All babies born to HIV positive mothers will test HIV-positive with an HIV antibody test at first because they share their mothers antibodies and immune system. If the baby is does not have HIV, then mother’s antibodies will slowly disappear, but this may take a long as 18 months.

The best test for HIV in babies is called an HIV PCR DNA test. This test looks for the virus in the baby’s blood rather than at immune responses. Babies should be tested the day they are born, then at one month and then again at three months. If all of these tests are negative and the mother is not breastfeeding, then the baby is HIV negative.

Lastly, when the baby is 18 months old you should be told that your baby no longer has your antibodies.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Faith,

    When you say exposed, do you mean in the womb, or when she was 7 months old?

  2. Faith

    I would like to ask if a baby was exposed to hiv at 7months what is the right time to take her to test.and if she test hiv Negative with rapid finger prick at 18 months, is she still have to test again ….am really worried with my niece

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Phumzile, how babies are tested varies in different countries. This also depends on which tests are available. Please talk to your doctor about this. If you were on treatment during pregnancy it is very likely that your baby with not have HIV, but testing takes a while to find out.

  4. phumzile

    how do i know if my baby is hiv positive at birth or should i wait for 6 months,because i had my baby and the results said he is exposed and my baby is a premature of 8months?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Mokgadi, this is all good news. Please ask your doctor about this. The exact answer depends on the type of HIV test that was used.

  6. Mokgadi

    my baby ‘s first result are negative is it going to change with the second test and am not breastfeeding

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Pat. Please talk to your doctor about this. If the test was an HIV antibody test then it doesn’t mean your baby is HIV positive. This test will just pick up your antibody results as his mother. A short course of AZT is commonly given to all babies after birth if the mother is positive. Please talk to your doctor though.

  8. Pat

    My four months old baby tested positive for the first time and i was taking trivenz while pregnant, he received adco-zidovudine syrup for six weeks, does this mean he is HIV Positive?

  9. Simon Collins

    Babies born to HIV-positive mothers will always test HIV-positive at first with an antibody test. This is because they still share their mother

  10. Temwa

    I have a four month old baby and I am HIV-positive. I have never been on treatment but I took nevirapine during labour. I had a normal delivery.

    My baby was tested at 6 weeks with the PCR DNA test and he tested negative. The doctors assured me that i don’t need to test him again.