
If my test is positive can I infect my family by living in the same house as them?

I got a non-reactive result 3 weeks after an exposure but I am still worried, can you get a positive result due to worry? I am afraid about transmitting HIV to my parents, sister and family living in same house.


Thank you for your question.

Firstly you cannot transmit HIV by living in the same house as someone who is positive so your family are not at any risk. You cannot change the result of the test through worry.

The accuracy of your test after 3 weeks depends on the type of test you had. If you had a fourth generation test which looks for the virus (antigens) and an immune response to the virus (antibodies) then this will detect about 95% of infections by 4 weeks after an exposure. If you had a 3rd generation test which looks only for antibodies then you might want to take another test 6-12 weeks after the exposure.

A negative test 90 days after an exposure is considered conclusive as this will detect more than 99.99% of infections.

Fore more information on HIV testing please follow this link.


  1. John

    It’s worth reminding the asker not to share razzors and toothbrushes as if you cut yourself accidentally or if your gum bleeds and a non infected person uses them they could get HIV.