Q and A


Is my CD4 count and viral load within the normal ranges?

I am currently on treatment my latest result were: viral load 29 and CD4 count 431 is this within accepteble ranges?


Thank you for your question.

Your results are very good. Once you are on treatment the most important thing to monitor is your viral load which should, wherever possible, remain under 50 copies/mL. Some people get the occassional ‘blip’ where the viral load goes up a little bit and then down again. This is nothing to worry about. Your viral load of 29 is very good.

Which treatments are you on? Have you experienced any side effects? When did you start treatment?

For more information on CD4 counts and viral load please follow this link


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zee,

    How long have you been breastfeeding for? What was your viral load when you started?

    Ideally a mother should have an undetectable viral load when breastfeeding. However, in places where formula may be difficult to access, or there are issue with access to clean water the breastfeeding is advised. For more info please see here:


    If you could get back to us, I’ll be able to answer your question better.

  2. Zee

    I found out I was positive when I was 5 months pregnant.My latest viral load is 12, I’m breastfeeding. Is it safe for me to breastfeed or should I stop?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Priscilla.

    You’re viral load is still undetectable, this is great. It means that the meds are working and working well. CD4’s can and do fluctuate, so try not to be too worried about this. Given that your CD4 was 3, you’re doing great.

  4. Priscilla

    I am little bit worried my CD4 count is not consistent the latest one that I took yesterday was 293 while the previous one of November was 343 the Viral load was undetectable that is from 40 to 20, is the something that you think can be the cause of this changes? I am just worried as if there are no improvements with my health while my my CD4 was 3 in 2011 when I was diagnosed with HIV.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Rita,

    The World Health Organisation recommendations are that if a woman has an undetectable viral load and is on treatment that she can breastfeed her baby. Therefore, if you wish to, then yes.

  6. rita

    lf my CD4 is 720 and my viral load 20ml, can i breast feed?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Rita,

    Do you mean CD4? If you do then you have nothing to worry about, this is because a CD4 of 720 is excellent.Though there may have been a slight drop, this is common.This is because CD4 can fluctuate.

  8. rita

    When I first tested positive, I was pregnant and my viral load was 840, just did another test last month and its reading 720, am scared.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ann,

    Your CD4 is very high, this is a great sign. Your viral load however is still detectable. Are you on medication? If you are what are you on? When did you start it? When you had your baby was it less than 50?

    If you aren’t on medication then its not recommended that you breastfeed. If you are on meds, where do you live?

  10. Ann

    My viral loaf is 100 and CD4 is 992. Is this normal as am breastfeeding.


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