Q and A


Is my CD4 count and viral load within the normal ranges?

I am currently on treatment my latest result were: viral load 29 and CD4 count 431 is this within accepteble ranges?


Thank you for your question.

Your results are very good. Once you are on treatment the most important thing to monitor is your viral load which should, wherever possible, remain under 50 copies/mL. Some people get the occassional ‘blip’ where the viral load goes up a little bit and then down again. This is nothing to worry about. Your viral load of 29 is very good.

Which treatments are you on? Have you experienced any side effects? When did you start treatment?

For more information on CD4 counts and viral load please follow this link


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nikoli,
    People progress at very different rates so it is difficult to say when you would need treatment without knowing the general trend of your test results over several months. In the UK treatment is usually recommended when either your CD4 count is around 350, or your viral load is above 100,000. This is different in different countries though. Please see our guide to combination therapy for more info.

  2. Nikoli

    My latest test results are-CD4=530, and Viral Load of 84,490….what time scale would I be starting medication if need too.

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Loriane,

    Your response to treatment has been very good- this is a great CD4 increase, and your viral load is undetectable which is the aim of treatment.

    Any symptoms should be discussed with a doctor. I can’t tell you what the cause of this pain or rash is, it’s important to show this to your doctor so that you can get the appropriate treatment.

  4. Loraine

    I’ve tasted positive last year March(2012) and my CD4 count was 48..I started treatment. I recently checked my CD4 count has gone up to 150 and my viral load is 20..I’m now expiriencing sharp pain in my butt and there’s sore rash where the pain is..I’m really worried about this hence I haven’t experienced any sickness before I tested.

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hello Sunny,

    Please don’t worry. It’s great that you’ve been given treatment. HIV treatment is very effective and if you take it properly your CD4 count will go up and your viral load will go down. You may feel unwell for the first few weeks as you get used to the medicines but this should get better. With HIV treatment you shouldn’t get sick, and you should have about the same life expectancy as somebody without HIV. We have produced an easy to read guide about starting treatment which should help answer many of your questions.

  6. Sunny

    I went to see the Doctor today Cd4 was 343 viral load 17000 I just got put on the medicines and im scared to deaf, I dont wanna get sick and die will that happen?

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Leah,

    In most countries people are recommended to start HIV treatment when their CD4 count is 350 or below. In some countries, like the USA, this is higher- at 500. While his CD4 count is above 350 your boyfriend’s immune system is still strong and it’s unlikely that he will get ill. This is the reason why guidelines don’t recommend treatment until the CD4 is at this level.

    If your boyfriend wants to take treatment this may be possible, depending on where you live. Starting treatment now would make him less infectious, meaning he would be less likely to pass HIV to you. In the UK it is possible to start treatment early if you are worried about infecting a partner. But this isn’t the case in every country.

    What has his doctor recommended? This link will take you to more information about starting HIV treatment and CD4 counts.

  8. leah

    I am hiv neg and boyfriend is hiv pos and his cd4 count is 522 is this early to start ARVs or he can take treatment.

  9. Simon Collins

    If you are NOT taking treatment yourself, then you results are good. You are probably fine to wait until your CD4 count is lower before taking meds.

    If you ARE taking treatment, then you should speak to your doctor because your viral load is not undetectable. At this level you could be developing resistance to HIV meds. Your doctor would want to check this, and also about your adherence.

  10. Annastacia

    Hi my hubby tested positive in june 2012 with cd4 count of 20 now he is on Tribuss.

    I went to check in july and my cd4 count is 535 and viral load is 1000 should I be worried?


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