Q and A


Is my CD4 count and viral load within the normal ranges?

I am currently on treatment my latest result were: viral load 29 and CD4 count 431 is this within accepteble ranges?


Thank you for your question.

Your results are very good. Once you are on treatment the most important thing to monitor is your viral load which should, wherever possible, remain under 50 copies/mL. Some people get the occassional ‘blip’ where the viral load goes up a little bit and then down again. This is nothing to worry about. Your viral load of 29 is very good.

Which treatments are you on? Have you experienced any side effects? When did you start treatment?

For more information on CD4 counts and viral load please follow this link


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Livhuwani,

    These are two different ways of given the same test result.

    2040 copies/mL is sometimes written as 3.31 log – see this conversion table:

    Are you taking HIV treatment? Is, roughly when did you start?

  2. Livhuwani


    What does this mean if my hiv viral load is 2040 copies/ml,log conversion 3.31 log,input volume 0.200 ml

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, Viral load probably drops by 90% in the first few days and by 99% within the first 1-2 weeks.

    This has already been answered with more information in this FAQ

  4. Richard24

    Newly diagnosed with a CD4 of 136 and a viral load of 226258 copies. I have started ARV 3 days ago. How long it will take me to reach zero

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Obedient

    No. An undetable viral laod makes it very difficult to cath HIB – the reisk may even be zero – even if you don;t use a condom.

  6. obedient

    My girlfriend is hiv positive but she has but the dr says she has undetectable viral and I slept with without condom does that mean I will be infected

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, Your question about risks and transmission has probably been answered already.

    Most questions about transmission and testing have been answered here:

  8. mike

    Hello, We got tested me and my girlfriend. My girlfriend tested HIV positive and I tested HIV negative. What are the chances for me to get infected because sometimes we don’t use condoms?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    If your viral load is below 20 copies then your HIV treatment must be working well. HIV below 50 copies is called undetectable.

    Having an undetectable viral load can help your immune system to stay strong. This means that HIV related infections are less likely.

  10. kalyan

    Hi, I have below 20 copies viral load I doubt attack of HIV. Please confirm my doubt.


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