Q and A


Is my CD4 count and viral load within the normal ranges?

I am currently on treatment my latest result were: viral load 29 and CD4 count 431 is this within accepteble ranges?


Thank you for your question.

Your results are very good. Once you are on treatment the most important thing to monitor is your viral load which should, wherever possible, remain under 50 copies/mL. Some people get the occassional ‘blip’ where the viral load goes up a little bit and then down again. This is nothing to worry about. Your viral load of 29 is very good.

Which treatments are you on? Have you experienced any side effects? When did you start treatment?

For more information on CD4 counts and viral load please follow this link


  1. terry

    I believe a high cd4 count is an indication medication is working. it is therefore necessary to constantly have one’s cd4 count checked may be as regularly as every 6 months for those who are HIV positive

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Mabel, thanks for the comment. It is great that you have started treatment. As long as you take your meds as recommended, they will bring your viral load down. Your CD4 count will then have got higher. Do you have your last CD4 count and viral load? IF you have been on treatment since 2013, these test will show how well the treatment is still working. Also, which medicines are you taking?

  3. mabel

    Hi,I’ve started treatment on 2013,and my Cd4,was,365,vl 45300,I’m in 3pills,morning 3pills at night, but I’m looking good, plz help me to drop

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Khokho,

    The WHO recommend that everyone regardless of how high their CD4 count is, should be on treatment. Therefore, if you feel that you are ready then this is something you could do. That said, perseverance of treatment is often given to people with a CD4 of less than 500.

  5. khokho

    My cd4 is 981 and my virul load is 2000 is it ok or not? To be on treatment?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Khokho,

    Even with a very high CD4 and a low viral load, WHO guidelines are that everyone who is positive should be ARVs. The decision though is up to you. However, eventually you will need to start.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Chase, thanks for sharing your experience which sounds like everything is going very well. Your viral load probably became undetectable much earlier – perhaps within the first four weeks. Your CD4 count is also very strong – anything above 500 is considered as strong as an HIV negative person.

  8. Chase

    Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I am a male in my mid 30’s and I was diagnosed in August 2011, but went untreated all those years until May 2016. My CD4 at that time was 633 and VL 11,000. My doctor put me on Genvoya. As of October 2016, my CD4 is 700 & VL is undetectable. Are these good results for only being on medication for about 5 months? Are these results typical? Thank you.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Vusi, what does here doctor say? Such a large CD4 count drop on treatment is very unusual. The doctor needs to find out what might be causing her to feel sick. It is also possible that the CD4 result was an error so it is worth testing the CD4 count again.

  10. vusi


    my girlfriend is hiv positive since from 2008 she started her treatment on feb 2016 her cd4 count was 390 after six month she was tested 528 cd4 count but now on aug she was sick nd tested 178 cd4 count nd 0, viral load everything its ok or not ?


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