Q and A


Can HIV spread through living in the same house as a positive person?

I got non-reactive MEIA test but I am still waiting to go for another test after the window period. The question is, can I share with my family (including 3year old children) the same toilets, dishes etc? Can HIV spread that way?


Thank you for your question.

You cannot get HIV by living int eh same house as someone and sharing toilets, dishes, cutlery etc. For more information please follow this link and scroll to the bottom of the page where it states ‘Ways you can NOT get HIV’


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Ben, if you are undetectable you are not infectious, if this is your worry. You can still get jock-itch though, just like anyone else, so it is good to see a doctor to get this treated,

  2. Ben

    Please, I’m positive but on treatment for about 4 years . But I noticed my brother have jock itch and there is heat now, he also have rash at the back. I don’t know how, I’m just scared

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Korshievi, yes it is possible they did not get infected. Transmission is not always guaranteed. It is possible that it was only your mum that became HIV positive.

    Do you know if your dad started treatment? If he did this can reduce the risk of transmission to zero. This happens because treatment will suppress his viral load that he would have been unable to pass it on via sex.

    There are a number of factors that change the risk of transmission. This is explained more here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/risks-for-transmission

  4. Korshievi

    I’m 26yrs have been on treatment for 16yrs I had it through birth from my father pass to mother then breastfeeding. I have 5 siblings after me from different mothers but same father they tested negative they are 17yrs, 15yrs … now and so on they tested negative. Why? I don’t understand. Is there any possibility they didn’t get infected?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Thanks Christina for this supportive message. We all agree, there are many of us who have been diagnosed and then gone on to live full and happy lives.

  6. Christina

    Hello Agnes, much love to both you and your brave daughter. I pray you both are enduring and supporting each other as best you can at this point. Being a mum myself I am quite sure that your doing just so!
    Truly this is the best thing you can do. Both of you get educated, support and love each other each and everyday! Everyday will not be easygoing but everyday will not be hard either.
    Stay strong dearest, you both are in my thoughts and prayers tonight.

  7. Me to You

    Hi Agnes, you will be ok.The good thing is you know now and can get the right help and medication etc.There are a few organisations you can contact who may be able to help like the Terence Higgins trust tel:0808 802 1221 or the confidential helpline tel:0800 137 437.Please don’t worry, there are more people than you think who have been diagnosed and go on to live full and happy lives.Thinking if you

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Agnes,

    Its common to feel emotional when someone is diagnosed with HIV,how old is your daughter? How many tests has she had? If she’s less than 18 months she may still be negative. Have you just been diagnosed as well?

  9. Agnes

    Hello I’ve just found out that my beautiful daughter is positive and she just found out too what must I do I’m soo emotional I feel like num please help it’s urgent.


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