Q and A


Can HIV spread through living in the same house as a positive person?

I got non-reactive MEIA test but I am still waiting to go for another test after the window period. The question is, can I share with my family (including 3year old children) the same toilets, dishes etc? Can HIV spread that way?


Thank you for your question.

You cannot get HIV by living int eh same house as someone and sharing toilets, dishes, cutlery etc. For more information please follow this link and scroll to the bottom of the page where it states ‘Ways you can NOT get HIV’


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Oyo,

    You have nothing at all to be scared about, your friend has a health condition that is very treatable.
    Your friend choosing not to talk to you about her status is her business. Who people tell is a personal choice.

  2. Oyo

    Just found out my close friend is HIV positive and is keeping it away from me. Saw anti-retrouviral drugs in her bag. Don’t know if i should talk to her about it and equally scared coz we live together. Thought I’ve not changed my attitude towards her

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi The Peterz,

    As the above link explains, you cannot get HIV just by living with someone who is HIV positive. It’s good that your mum is on HIV treatment from the hospital. These are the meds that can help her keep healthy.

    Has your mum talked to the hospital about her cough? They can check and see what’s causing it.

  4. The Peterz

    I live with my mum n siblings with my two kids and my mum is HIV positive, how do we prevent it not getting to us n also what are the possible medication I can get for her apart from the general medication even to her in public hospital, to look more healthy n strong if possible add weight a little and she’s been coughing for the pass one month seriously after getting her two bottles of cough syrup

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Marie,

    As the above link clearly explains you can’t get HIV just by living in the same house with some who is positive. Therefore, neither you or your kids are at risk.

    With regards to talking to your brother about his status, one of the reasons why he may have chosen not to tell you is due to the reaction that you’re having now. You freaking out isn’t going to help him.

    If he is positive, this is his business. If he’s on meds then he’s taking control of his health. In time he might tell you. If he does then try not to freak out. Being positive isn’t anything to be ashamed of, and neither should people who are positive be treated differently.

  6. Marie

    I just found out that my brother is HIV positive. He lives in the same house with my family and I. There is 4 kids who he is always around. He hasn’t told us that he does have HIV. I was cleaning one day and came across a bottle of medication. I got curious and search what they are used for. I freaked out. I don’t know how to ask him. I don’t want him to get mad. I’m scared for my kids. What can I do to help him or to keep my family from getting it.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Debra,

    How are you coping with your diagnoses? Have you been able to talk to anyone? Did they tell you about medication?

    In response to your quesiton, if your boyfriend wasn’t already positive before you started having sex with him, then yes there’s a risk that he too my be positive. Therefore, he will need to test.

  8. debra

    I’ve just told by the doctor that I am HIV + yesterday and I am worried that I’ve been sleeping with my boyfriend without using condom can he be infected too?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Lamin, if you and your wife do not use condoms, the your wife will need to have a test too. It doesn’t mean she is positive, but she needs to know for her own health if this is the case. Being positive does not mean there is any risk to your children from day to day contact. There are no special diets or food – just eating a balanced nutritional healthy diet as recommended for everyone. You can still live at home with your family. If you start treatment this will also reduce any future risk to your wife, if the tests show she is still HIV negative. Please talk to your doctor about all this. There is losts more information in i-Base guides:

  10. Lamin

    Dr has confirmed that i am HIV positive so what can i do? Now that am married does this affect my wife? can i live with my family? What food must i eat? how can prevent my children from not getting this sickness?


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