
Will my test be conclusive during the seroconversion phase?


Will I get a DUO test result that is conslusive if I was going through sercoconvesrion phase at the time of the test? I understand this time is when the antibodies are not present so will the antigen side of the test still work?



Thank you for your question.

If you are going through the seroconversion phase (1-3 weeks after an exposure) you may not show as antibody positive. You may show as antigen positive but it is not guarenteed. For more information about the times when tests work you should follow this link.

If you are worried, a DUO test at 28 days after an exposure will detect 95% of infections. A confirmatory test is needed 90 days after the exposure.

For more information on testing please follow this link


  1. Simon Collins

    If you have a question about catching HIV, risks or testing please read this FAQ page on HIV transmission and testing. It will answer most questions.

    A new Guide to sexual transmission and HIV testing contains more detailed information, including on oral sex.

    Please read this resource. It will also answer your questions.

  2. Bradyk

    I had unprotected oral sex (I gave the bj) with a man of unknown status at exactly 46 days post exposure I had a ab/ag 4th generation test that came back negative how accurate do you think this is? do you think I can move on or get tested again? The anxiety is killing me!

  3. Charlotte Walker

    Hi Phil,

    The p24 antigen is found mainly in early infection and after a short while the amount of p24 starts to decrease which is why the diagram shows this. By the time the p24 is decreasing there would almost always be antibodies present so either way the test would show positive if there was an infection.

    I know it is easier said than done but you have to move on from this encounter. It was, as you said, low risk. You have tested negative for HIV. You do not have HIV. You need to accept that and move on otherwise you will make yourself ill with anxiety.

    best wishes


  4. Phil

    Hello Charlotte

    I was reading this thread and just wanted a little clarification on your reply to the poster.

    Are you saying that P24 Antigen would be present at the 28 day stage with the duo/combi test done in the UK post/during any seroconversion.?

    I probably think that this would be the case hence the conclusive negative result at 28 days and after when taking this type of testing in the UK.

    The testing chart that you have linked , is slightly confusing , but could you clarify that 28 day testing period represented on the chart shows the optimum time for trsting with the DUO/Combi Antigen/Antibody test?.

    My stress level went up again when reading this , as I was negative at five weeks with the Duo/Combi test completed at a UK NHS GUM clinic along with a full STd screen which where also negative.The reason for me testing was that I had very very brief insertive anal with a guy status unknown, ( no ejactulation, or signs of sores. bleeding, etc). I had prior to the test some mild sore throat, cold syms, no fever, rash, etc) but I agree that you can not go on any sympotms and a test is the only right way to understand your status.

    The GUM clinic has not asked me to retest, but there seems to be lots of info out in the web that contridicts.

    I am aware of the 12 weeks UK guidlines, and you guys have made it very clear about the effectiveness of the new 4th gen Duo testing accuracy, I just wanted the bit clarified that P24 would be picked up at the five weeks stage…. regardless of antibodies showing or not.

