
I had sex with a condom could I have HIV?

Good morning,

Let me start by saying that I found your site by accident. I think it`s the best site by far that I visited and I`ve being searching the web for HIV sites for months.

My Question is:
I had a sexual exposure (with a condom) with a woman of which I knew nothing about in January 2010. I took a test after 4 weeks, 4 months, 6 months and again at 10 months. All were negative. Still I`m worried sick. I read now that it`s wise to wait 12 months. In the mean time (since January 2010 ) I have had no sexual contact and I`m not a intravenous drugs user, because I`m scared that I do have HIV. Is it safe to say that a negative test after 10 months means I do not have HIV?

Thanks in advance, I am a very scared person.


Thank you for your question.

Please don’t be scared. If you had sex with a condom then you cannot get HIV this way.If you have had several negative HIV tests then you do not have HIV. There is no need to test again. All tests are accurate 3 months after an exposure, some modern tests (fourth generation tests) are accurate enough to pick up 95% of infections after 28 days.

For more information on transmission and testing please follow this link