
What does the number on my HIV test result mean?

I had an HIV test done and result was negative and non reactive. The result showed 0.04 what does this mean? Jake


Hi Jake,

Thank you for your question.

A result that is less than 1.0  means you do not have HIV. You result of 0.04 is less than 1.0.

The number is a more accurate (quantitative) way of measuring the result other than a simple, yes or no. If the number is less than 1.0 the result is negative,

if the result is above 1.0 the result is positive,

if the result is very close to 1.0, either higher or lower, then the doctor may decide a confirmatory test is required.

Any time you don’t understand a test result it is important to ask the test centre or doctor who performed the test.

The answer was updated in January 2017 from a post in November 2010. i-Base no longer answers questions about HIV testing and transmission. Please see: Questions 1 and 8 at this link for more information.


  1. Henry

    Hi.. is 0.94 value alarming.. should i be seeing a dr?

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi David, I am sorry that we can’t interpret test results, but please have a look at question 1 at this link – which has links to more information online:
    Non-reactive means HIV negative.

  3. David

    I live in the US, and i did 4th generation test with Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp. I see in my test results are Non-reactive. But I don’t see any Index Value. Do my tests are similar to Duo test in UK? Thanks so much

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Dhiraj, the original answer explains that a number less than 1.00 means you are HIV negative. See further down this page:

  5. Dhiraj

    I have done my HIV Antibodies (1 &2) test and report is 0.175 (Non Reactive) what is means that please explain mi in brief

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Kumar, yes, it is important now for you to also take an HIV test. The test is the only way to know whether or not you are also HIV positive.

  7. Kumar

    Hello Sir,

    My wife is HIV negative. She is pregnant and we are married for 8 months. Do I need to test for my self also ?

  8. saqib

    I have undergo Anti HIV Test. Report Shows Value of 22.0 and “REACTIVE”. While Cut off is 1.00. Kindly suggest me some good Institute for treatment.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Sudha

    Everything you need to know about HIV testing is at this link.

    Nonreactive usually means negative but i-Base cant interpret test results – this has to be form the clinic.

  10. sudha

    vdrl serology 07nonreactive what is that meaning