Q and A


I have started PEP and want to know if I will be okay?

I had sex with a transexual man. I was on top and without me realizing the condom had ruptured, I washed myself and went home. But I did not feel comfortable. So I sent a text asking the man I had just had sex with if he was HIV positive, to which he answered, yes. I freaked out and went inmediately to the internet and did some research. I read about PEP, so the next morning I went to the clinic and I was placed on – Truvada 200 mg, Norvir 100 mg and Reyataz 300 mg. This was 36 hours after the incident.

I have had no side effects. But for the last two days, I have felt as if I have some fever. I tested my temperature and it is within the normal parameters of 98.2 and 98.7. Please tell me do I have a shot to be well? The person I had sex with told me that his viral count is below 40. Please help.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to know that you are distressed. What is important is that you have taken the right steps to giving yourself a chance of remaining  uninfected. PEP is effective the earlier that you take it and should be taken within 72 hours of being exposed to HIV. You started PEP within that time frame.

Additionally, as the person who you had sex with is on treatment with an undetectable viral load, then your chances of an HIV infection are much more reduced than if that person was not on treatment.

If you take the PEP as prescribed this will reduce the small chance that you were exposed to HIV.

Symptoms do not occur this soon after an exposure.

Good luck.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eric,

    It’s not possible to say as there isn’t enough research. However, it’s important to realize that HIV is a very difficult illness to transmit, and you also started PEP quickly.

  2. Eric

    How effective is Dtg/ 3tc/ tdf 50mg/300mg/300mg as pep when initiated immediately after exposure ?
    By immediately I mean about 30 mins after

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dave S,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re so stressed. But as Winnie says on this Q&A, you have taken the right steps to give yourself a chance of not being infected.

    Also please see this guide to risks for transmission.

    Can I ask how your partner is? Has she started treatment now?

  4. Dave S

    Hi, I had sex wit sum1 nd condom broke bt i realised within seconds dat it has broke, I asked dat person if she knows her status nd she said yes shes positive but shes not taking treatment, I rushed to d hospital within 9 hours after intercourse they gave me lopinavir/ ritonavir and emtricitabine/tenofovir as PEP. Do I have a chance of not being infected, I am so stressed

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mwebaze,

    What you’ve been given isn’t PEP medication, therefore I have no idea why you’ve been given this. Please consult your doctor.

  6. Mwebaze


    Dear Roy I was saying that I started pep an 3rd October and was given efavirenz but 5 days later I went back to the hospital and was given tenofovir, dolutegravir and lumadivine(not clear of the spellings)but they were in Aurobindo tin 12 after changing pep I developed no any other complications apart from the rash on my neck which have failed to clear off even after completing my dose! What could be the problem? Am upset!

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ronald,

    Please see your doctor if you’ve developed a rash on starting PEP. PEP with efavirenz is not recommended as there can be a risk of a serious reaction which can include a rash. So it’s a good idea to see your doctor quickly to rule this out.

    I’m not sure what deltagravil is. Please let us know.

  8. Mwebaze

    I have been on PEP but in the process I have developed rashes on my neck I started with efavirenz and five days later I changed to lamudine tenefovir and deltagravil what could be the problem?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lillian,

    I hope you don’t mind but your comment was very long so I reduced it to a few lines.

    Unfortunately i-Base don’t have resources to answer more quesions on HIV testing and transmission. Please see all FAQs at this link.

  10. Lillan

    Hello, I had possible exposure July 16th. Do you think that the 4th generation test was indeed accurate, though I’m going back in a few days to get retested since it’s going to be 60 days from my PEP treatment and I haven’t had anymore possible exposures since then. I just want to relax and put my terrible hypocondria to rest so I can reclaim my life.


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