Q and A


I have started PEP and want to know if I will be okay?

I had sex with a transexual man. I was on top and without me realizing the condom had ruptured, I washed myself and went home. But I did not feel comfortable. So I sent a text asking the man I had just had sex with if he was HIV positive, to which he answered, yes. I freaked out and went inmediately to the internet and did some research. I read about PEP, so the next morning I went to the clinic and I was placed on – Truvada 200 mg, Norvir 100 mg and Reyataz 300 mg. This was 36 hours after the incident.

I have had no side effects. But for the last two days, I have felt as if I have some fever. I tested my temperature and it is within the normal parameters of 98.2 and 98.7. Please tell me do I have a shot to be well? The person I had sex with told me that his viral count is below 40. Please help.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to know that you are distressed. What is important is that you have taken the right steps to giving yourself a chance of remaining  uninfected. PEP is effective the earlier that you take it and should be taken within 72 hours of being exposed to HIV. You started PEP within that time frame.

Additionally, as the person who you had sex with is on treatment with an undetectable viral load, then your chances of an HIV infection are much more reduced than if that person was not on treatment.

If you take the PEP as prescribed this will reduce the small chance that you were exposed to HIV.

Symptoms do not occur this soon after an exposure.

Good luck.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tk,

    This sounds like very low risk. Getting sexual fluid on unbroken skin is not a way that HIV is transmitted. Please see this link. But if you have swollen lymph nodes you should see your doctor about them.

    How is your friend? Is she taking HIV treatment? Please let us know.

  2. Tk

    Hi…l recently fingered fucked an hiv positive person. She told me bfo l slept with her that she is infected. I went to the clinic after that and got my pep pills after 52hrs of exposure. I hve been having all sorts of side effects. Of note l hve been having swollen lymph nodes in my neck and shoulder. Shld l be worried?

  3. Lisa Thorley


    What you’re taking isn’t PEP. PEP is a different combination of ARVs. Also if the women who you had sex with is on medication, there’s no risk. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  4. jose

    Hi I had unprotected sex with an HIV positivegirl and the next morning o started pep,its now the 10th day while on pep treatment, I take one combined pill of dolutegravir 50mg,lamivudine 300mg and tenofovir disoproxil fumerate300mg,,am so stressed, pliz help,will I be fine,,,?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bett,

    As Winnie says on this Q&A, What is important is that your friend has taken the right steps to giving himself a chance of remaining HIV negative.

  6. bett

    i have a friend who had a high exposure to HIV exposure and i advised him to attend clinic he was prescribed PEP and now it is 18th day will my friend come back to lifeline again? can those who have had the same experience help

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Vince,

    That looks like a good indication. That’s because after a course of PEP you need to wait 28 days before testing for HIV. This is because PEP can delay infection.

    For more information see:

  8. Vince

    Hi i had a condom burst with hiv + person ,the following day i went to the clinic was put on 28days PEP treatment.took another hiv test with oraquick 6weeks after finishing the meds it was negative is it good indication?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eric,

    PEP treatment varies depending on where it is that someone lives, therefore I can’t comment on the 600mg question. You need to do a HIV test 28 days after the course of PEP has finished, this should be in a clinic.

  10. Eric

    Thank you for your quick and fast response approach
    You are very dedicated,
    I read dosage of EFV was reduced from 600mg to 400mg because the research done showed no negative changes dosage amount
    Do these changes applies across of some parts of the world still use 600mg instead ?
    Finally can pcr and antibody test after pep days are over ?
    Thank you in advance , I appreciate your comment and advice


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