Q and A


I have started PEP and want to know if I will be okay?

I had sex with a transexual man. I was on top and without me realizing the condom had ruptured, I washed myself and went home. But I did not feel comfortable. So I sent a text asking the man I had just had sex with if he was HIV positive, to which he answered, yes. I freaked out and went inmediately to the internet and did some research. I read about PEP, so the next morning I went to the clinic and I was placed on – Truvada 200 mg, Norvir 100 mg and Reyataz 300 mg. This was 36 hours after the incident.

I have had no side effects. But for the last two days, I have felt as if I have some fever. I tested my temperature and it is within the normal parameters of 98.2 and 98.7. Please tell me do I have a shot to be well? The person I had sex with told me that his viral count is below 40. Please help.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to know that you are distressed. What is important is that you have taken the right steps to giving yourself a chance of remaining  uninfected. PEP is effective the earlier that you take it and should be taken within 72 hours of being exposed to HIV. You started PEP within that time frame.

Additionally, as the person who you had sex with is on treatment with an undetectable viral load, then your chances of an HIV infection are much more reduced than if that person was not on treatment.

If you take the PEP as prescribed this will reduce the small chance that you were exposed to HIV.

Symptoms do not occur this soon after an exposure.

Good luck.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lo,

    In SSA people are often given generic versions of Atripla as PEP, this is because it’s what’s usually available. It’s cheap and should work just as well as the PEP that is used in the UK. However, studies on this are limited. In the UK PEP doesn’t include NNRTIs as there’s a small risk of serious side effects.

  2. lo


    I read that subsahran countries give different kind of pep that in the uk. Does that mean the one given in subsaharan isn’t as effective?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fatso,

    What you’ve been given isn’t what you’d be given in the UK for PEP. However, PEP does vary from country to country. If you woman who you had sex with is on medication and her viral load is undetectable then there isn’t a risk.

  4. fatso

    Hi I had unprotected sex with an HIV positivegirl and the next morning o started pep,its now the 10th day while on pep treatment, I take one combined pill of dolutegravir 50mg,lamivudine 300mg and tenofovir disoproxil fumerate300mg,,am so stressed, pliz help,will I be fine,,,?

    hi l saw this post to which you replied saying this is not PEP .. Are u sure could you please cross check for me , because l was presribed the same medication.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tk,

    It’s good that you tested HIV negative on these dates. But after a course of PEP you need to wait 28 days before testing for HIV. This is because PEP can delay infection. So you need another test at 28 days to confirm the results.

    However, it’s important that you see your doctor about the rash and your stiff neck. That’s because there could be other reasons for these symptoms so it’s important to get them checked by the doctor.

  6. Tk

    So l finished my Pep treatment ( tenovofir, lamudivane & dolutegravir) a 30 day treatment. I got tested 8,11 & 18 days after finishing treatment ,they all came out negative. Hwever, l have been having a rush and a stiff neck since l started my meds and it is still persisting. Red pimples all over my body , the pimples aren’t itchy? Is this normal or am l seroconverting? How long does it take for the side effects to go away? Plz help

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cal.

    In the UK this wouldn’t be given as PEP. However, in some countries (namely in Sub Saharan Africa) this combination may be given.

  8. Cal

    Hi Lisa Thorley,

    I was prescribed the same thing as my friend Jose here: Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Lamiduvine Efavirenz. 300mg/ 300mg / 400mg. 30 tablets. Is this not pep?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ray,

    Please see this Q&A about symptoms of seroconversion.

    However, lots of people get some of these symptoms and it does not mean they are HIV positive. Stress and anxiety can produce similar general symptoms even though without HIV. This includes tiredness from not sleeping, anxiety and worry.

    It’s a good idea to see your doctor about your symptoms.

  10. Ray

    Hi, I had a sex with sex worker. I didn’t notice my condom broke (I’m not sure whether she is HIV positive or not). Within 2 days I went to clinic and started taking PEP in 46th hour after exposure. Now I almost completed my 3 weeks of PEP. I had diarrhea for almost 2 weeks. My Dr said it’s just side effect of PEP. Today is 25 th day after exposure. I feel like I’m getting fever and also I got mild sore throat. Is it a sign of Acute HIV. I’m very much worried now. Pls clarify. Thanks


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