
I have had several negative HIV test but am not satisfied with the result – do I have HIV?


I had a sex with a girl and since then I have been feeling ill with symptons similar to gastric flu which is also similar to HIV. I went for a HIV test several times after the sex and all came out negative, but I am still not satisfied. I took the girl for a test and she was negative too, we still went for HIV-1 PCR tests after 4 weeks and it was negative as well.

I still worry so much because I still feel somekind of illness, I’m from West Africa and this is giving a big concern as I still feel like I could have HIV-2. Would the PCR detect HIV-2 as well because the test result was said to be for HIV-1 only. Please, I need help here!


Thank you for your question.

If you have both had several HIV tests and they have come out negative then you do not have HIV. The tests would have checked for both HIV-1 and HIV-2. You should be very satisfied with these results and you do not need to test again.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lila,

    People test positive if they have HIV, this is irrespective if they have candida.

  2. Lila

    If I have candida, may I tested HIV positive?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Danielle

    i-Base doesn’t answer individual testing questions because most are already answered in the information we have put online.

    If your test is negative, you do not have HIV.

    See this link:

  4. Danielle

    I have the same problem I keep testing negative but feeling sick a lot but I’m not worried

  5. Simon Collins


    i-Base no longer answers individual testing questions because most are already answered in the information we have put online.

    If your test is negative, you do not have HIV.

  6. Tina

    i got tested at a GUM clinic four years after exposure and i was negative, but a year and half later i started getting really down and felt really bad about what a stupied mistake a made. now i keep thinking ive got hiv when ive tested negative. My doctors keeps saying i dont have it but i think i do

  7. Charlotte Walker

    If you have repeatedly tested negative then you do not have HIV. The symptoms associated with HIV are very general and can also be caused by many other things. You need to move on with your life and focus on trying to find the cause of your problems other than HIV.

  8. tony

    The same thing is happening to me and has been on going for 4 years now. I’m testing negative but every symptom associated with HIV is present. I know I have systematic candida but is the cause HIV? How could it be when I’ve had negative results?