Q and A


What is a CD4 count?

What is a CD4 count? Where do I go to get one? What exactly would I be getting myself into by starting treatment?


Thank you for your questions. A CD4 count is a test that chesks your immune system. It is the most important test for deciding your risk of getting ill.

When your CD4 count is above 300 you still have a good immune system. If your CD4 count falls below 200 your risk of developing opportunsitic infections like pneumonia increases. How fast your CD4 count changes is also used to decide when to start treatment.

When you are HIV positive (on treatment or not) there are two main blood tests that are taken to monitor your health. One is a CD4 count and the other is a viral load test which measures the amount of HIV in your blood. Both these tests should be done at your HIV clinic.

In terms of starting treatment, this is something that you and your doctor should discuss together. As a patient, you need to know the different drugs that you can use, the bad things and goods things about them. You should not be forced into doing something that you do not properly understand. Most importantly, you should be ready for treatment. It is a lifetime committment.

HIV treatment works and there has been a dramatic drop in AIDS related deaths and illness everywhere antiretrovirals are used. Taking HIV treatment, exactly as prescribed, will reduce the virus in your body to very low levels. This then lets your immune system recover and get stronger by itself.


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