
I am worried I may have HIV, please can you help?

I’ve been worried that I have caught HIV. I had intercourse with 4 different women. All of the encounters were protected however one of the encounters the condom broke and I ejaculated inside. I performed oral sex unprotected on all women. I have had a 4th generation test 13 days post exposure came back negative. I have just tested today 5 weeks post exposure. My question is:
a) how likely is it to catch HIV from performing oral sex?
b) how likely is it to catch HIV from condom breaking episode?
c) is my first test a good indicator?
Please help me with any advice you may have


Thank you for your question.

I will answer them according to the way they were asked:

a) Please follow this link to a similar question about giving oral sex to women

b) When a condom breaks during vaginal sex the male is at very low risk but the female is at high risk of infection. This is because HIV is found in the vaginal fluids and the semen. When a condom breaks there will still be only minimal contact between the penis and the vaginal fluid but if the male ejaculates inside the woman then she is exposed to the semen. If the semen is infected then she is at risk.

c) Your first test is a good indicator but your second test will confirm the result. 4th generation tests are usually accurate 3-4 weeks after an exposure.