
If antibody tests are accurate 6-12 weeks after an exposure, are they still accurate 24 after?


Thank you for your question.

Yes, the tests are most accurate after 12 weeks from a possible exposure. the longer the time from exposure the more accurate they become.

For practical reasons, a negative result any time after 12 weeks is considered conclusive, even though very rarely someone might take longer that 3 months to generate an antibody response.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    The Tri-dot test is accurate at 3 months after exposure.

  2. tensed

    Hi, I have almost all symptoms of HIV after getting my penis sucked by a women. I tested negative 14 weeks after the exposure using a HIV rapid test but I still have symptoms. Please help.

  3. mohd

    I heard that the tridot test is not accurate at 3 months, should I test at 6 months? My symptoms are making me very scary. As I can’t test now because I am in Dubai, and if I test positive I’ll be deported from here. I have to test in December now. I think I’m the worst person in my native place. If I tested positive, I’ll never return to my home.

  4. mohd

    thank u so much walker..

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Congratulations on your engagement. Your arthritis should not affect your HIV test results.

  6. mohd

    I was diagonised for rheumatoid arthritis, can this affect the accuracy of the tridot antibody test? Thank you for replying. I have just got engaged to my girlfriend and will marry soon.

  7. Charlotte Walker

    You cannot get HIV from receiving a blowjob. Your tests are all negative and you have not put yourself at risk so you do not have HIV. Your symptoms are likely to be caused by something else you should talk to your doctor about this.

  8. mohd

    hi, had an unprotected oral sex wid chinese prostitue on 22 oct 2010, exactly after 6 day i got a fever, muscle ache, joint pain, diarrhea and headache, after 3 days my fever gone, but other was still there, after some days i started sweating day time, numbness and tingling, some rash on back and swollen glands behind ears, and i still have all the symptoms, on 77th day i tested negative by tri dot method, again i tested on 97th day and its negative again.. The risk was only unprotected blowjob, n i dont have any cut on my penis.. Plz reply for me, what is my symptoms indicating?

  9. Charlotte Walker


  10. rjv

    i exposed to unsafe sex with unknown woman on 8-august-2010 and got tested after 3 months on 14-november-2010 the result was negative.
    is the test conclusive