Q and A


Can I get HIV from deep kissing?


Is it possible to catch HIV from deep kissing (biting lips, gum desease)? I ask this question because there is contradictory information on internet. The CDC site states that there has been one case in 1997 where a woman got infected from her husband through deep kissing. Other sites like MEDHELP or FORUMS.POZ.COM say there is NO risk from deep kissing regardles of any biting or blood.

I am worried and l dont know if I should test after an exposure like this? Thanks.


Thank you for your question.

I contacted CDC about why they put this information on their website and they responded by stating:

We do not have data on the proportion of people who have been infected through French kissing alone, but we stress that this is likely to be none. The risk is theoretical and remote.

If your only exposure was deep kissing then you do not need to test for HIV. You cannot get HIV this way.


  1. Robin Jakob


    HIV transmission between women is extremely rare. There have only been a few reported cases. It seems likely that these happened because of particularly rough sex involving bleeding. Possibly through fisting for example or sharing sex toys. IF you are both HIV positive and it turns out one of you did infect the other it is difficult to work out who was positive first.

  2. Annie

    Hey my girlfriend is been tested as HIV+ is it possible that if i am HIV+ then she can also get infected because we are lesbians. Is it possible that infected her?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Queen

    I am sorry that you have had this news before your wedding but good that you still want to be together.

    For the next few months, it is important to be very careful to use condoms every time you have sex.

    If you want to have children safely, your busband needs to start treatment. He needs to be very careful in not missing meds.

    A few months after his viral load has become undetectable the risk of sexual transmission are dramatically reduced. This doesn;t happen as soon as his starts treatment though – you usually need to wait at least six months.

    See this link for more information:

    This full guide linked at the bottom of this page includes more details information about how to conceive when the women is HIV negative and the man is positive and on treatment.

  4. queen

    my fiance got a positive HIV test a week before our wedding. I am bent on marrying him. How do I protect my self and still conceive?

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Terry,

    Although there are studies underway looking at using treatment to prevent HIV infection this is not yet widely available. This treatment is called PrEP.

    If your girlfriend is on treatment this will reduce the chance of her passing HIV to you. You can read more about this in our guide to HIV testing and sexual transmission.

  6. Terry willy

    My Girlfriend she’s HIV+ and I love her so much is there any thing I can take before having sex to protect me from becaming + Yes I know i should use condom is there anything that i can use ?

  7. Charlotte Walker

    You cannot get HIV from saliva or from receiving a blow job.

  8. ANANT

    Can I get Hiv from mouth salvia or i test my blood? and Can I get HIV from reciving unprotected blowjob

  9. Charlotte Walker

    Yes Aloe Vera will not interact with any drugs and is very good for your skin. If you are having problem with rashes due to HIV treatment then it may help to read the page in our side effects guide by following this link.

  10. Rogers

    can i use Aleo vera to wash way rashes on my body. Am HIV positive.