
Can I get HIV from deep kissing?


Is it possible to catch HIV from deep kissing (biting lips, gum desease)? I ask this question because there is contradictory information on internet. The CDC site states that there has been one case in 1997 where a woman got infected from her husband through deep kissing. Other sites like MEDHELP or FORUMS.POZ.COM say there is NO risk from deep kissing regardles of any biting or blood.

I am worried and l dont know if I should test after an exposure like this? Thanks.


Thank you for your question.

I contacted CDC about why they put this information on their website and they responded by stating:

We do not have data on the proportion of people who have been infected through French kissing alone, but we stress that this is likely to be none. The risk is theoretical and remote.

If your only exposure was deep kissing then you do not need to test for HIV. You cannot get HIV this way.


  1. Simson

    Can condoms provide a 100% protection from HIV?

  2. Simon Collins

    This service is only about HIV.

  3. Kauseni

    Is that glandular fever cureble or not.

  4. Simon Collins

    Rahul, the question is can you can HIV from kissing? The answer is below and you post a comment asking if you can catch HIV by kissing. This is not a service to answer every question. It is a service to provide good information.

  5. Rahul

    Sir, don’t confuse me, just say, if u can, whether I should be worried or not?

  6. Simon Collins

    The answer is in the answer to the orginal question above.

  7. Rahul

    Hi I didn’t get answer, after 5 days of kissing, I got cold, runny nose & sore throat

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Rahul, answers to questions on testing are already online at the FAQ page.

    or in this guide:

  9. Rahul

    Hii, I recently kissed a sex worker, during kissing she bite on my lips, butI didn’t sex with her, is it possible to get HIV by this?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    The risk of HIV, as it says above on this question, is theoretical and remote. You do not get HIV this way.

    However, your symptoms are similar to glandular fever. This is a different virus and it’s transmitted through saliva. It can be passed from person to person through: kissing (which is why it is sometimes known as the “kissing disease”). Symptoms can include swollen glands in your neck and possibly in other parts of your body, such as under your armpits.