Q and A


How long will a combination work for?

hi, having been positive for 14 months now and on therapy for last 5 months – Sustiva and Truvada, once a day, working well so far.

I was wondering how long i can expect to get from this first therapy? as long as i dont miss doses and mess it up myself? i know you cant say exactly but can you give me some idea? thanks


Thanks – you ask a really important question.

After your viral load has been undetectable for 6 months or so, then as long as you don’t miss any doses, there is nothing to ever stop your combination working. It could last for 10 or 20 years – the key is makes sure you don’t miss doses.

If you don’t miss doses, then very very rare for someone to develop resistance. With an undetectable viral load (below 50 copies/mL) there is too little HIV for resistance to develop so long as you remember take your meds every day.

The only reason you may want to change treatment, is if you have problems with side effects, or if better drugs are developed in the future.


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