Q and A


Can I get circumcised if I am HIV positive?


Being HIV positive shouldn’t stop you getting circumcised if you want to.

If you want to get circumcised, this may reduce the risk of some sexually transmitted infections to either yourself or your partners.

However, it will not reduce the risk of you passing HIV to your sexual partners.
If you decide to get circumcised, then make sure you do NOT have sex until the surgery has completely healed. One study showed that having sex too early after the operation increased the risk of a partner catching HIV.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Goodman,

    From what I know your viral load shouldn’t be an issue if you want to be circumcised. However, I suspect that this will depend on where you live and what the rules of the hospital are. I would ask them.

  2. Goodman

    I try to get circumcised today they asked if i knew my status and i told them that im Hiv positive. They requested that i produce my medical records to see my viral load and cd4. What i wish to knw is if my viral load is high will that affect me or stop me fron being circumcised?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Siya,

    Circumcision is usually done in hospitals. Therefore, you could ask at your local hospital. Being HIV+ shouldn’t be a reason why you can’t have it done.

  4. Siya

    I want to get circumcised but I have HIV, where should I go?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Mandla, being circumcise does reduce the risk of HIV, but you can still become HIV positive if you have been at risk. Circumcised people still need to have HIV tests/.

  6. mandla

    it needed to check for HIV if you are circumcised?

  7. Simon Collins

    Thanks Thandeka – a small addition is that this is for medical circumcision. Some men have to do this because of a tight foreskin, but choice is there fre everyone.

  8. Thandeka

    Sandile you are answered many times but you still asking the same question, Yes you can get circumcised even if you are HIV positive nothing that can stop you if you want to be circumcised.

  9. Robin Jakob

    Yes it will, it is important to wait to have sex until it is fully healed though. This is to prevent transmission.

  10. Oga

    Will the wound heal if you are +ve