Q and A


I am gaining weight, what slimming pills can I take?

I’m 31 years old and HIV positive. I have a problem of gaining weight every week and my breasts are getting bigger and bigger. Can I take slimming tablets while on my HIV drugs? I am taking Stocrin (efavirenz), Viread (tenofovir) and 3TC (lamivudine)


Thank you for your question.

If you are gaining weight around your breasts and tummy then it could be a side effect of your medication called lipodystrophy. For more information about lipodystrophy you should follow this link to find out more.

Slimming tablets will not reduce this weight change. You should talk to your doctor about changing your medication to reduce these side effects.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sinothando,

    How are you coping with your resent diagnoses? Are you able to access any support?

    Odimune is a generic version on Atripla. In some people, especially women, it has been know to cause weight gain. And weight gain around the stomach. The reasons for why this happens are unfortunately not known.

    Because you’ve just started meds, it could be a temporary side effect. Having a healthy diet and exercising may help. For more on living well with HIV, please see our HIV and Quality of life guide:


    If you aren’t happy with odimune you could try and ask to change ARVs.

  2. sinothando

    Am 22 year. I found out that I’m HIV positive in October 2016. I started treatment odimune. The side effects is a growing of my stomach and breasts.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi kefilwe,

    ARVs are not known to cause problems with women’s periods. Therefore, you will need to speak to your doctor about this.

  4. kefilwe

    hi from 2008 on arv’s. In 2014 I started to gain weight and whenever I gain weight I don’t see my period and I’m having pregnant thoughts I look pregnant. Then I became OK it was then controllable .2016 here I am again it’s becoming worse I’m gaining weight I look pregnant and I don’t have a period. I really don’t know what to do.

  5. Simon Collins


    I am sorry to hear about your problems with weight gain and the the suggestions from the doctor have not helped.

    I think it is better to go back to your doctor to ask about alternative options and to say the previous diet wasn’t practical. Also, from what I know of the Banting diet, it involves a high fat/low carb diet which (1) might not be right for everyone, and (2) has very little evidence to show it works.

    In the same way, slimming tablets, including garcina gambogia had little or no evidence suggesting any real benefit.

    Weight loss is difficult but setting small goals over a longer time is much more likely to work over the long term. Please talk to your doctor about more standard approaches> These include reducing calorie count and other diet changes together with increasing you level of exercise and activity.

    It is difficult to help more without knowing how much your weight has changed.

  6. Lady D

    I’m 31 years old, and being diagnosed with HIV in 2013. I take Atripla, I have gained weight so much. My doctor recommended that I try Banting diet but I could not keep up. I have now bought slimming tablets, Garcinia Gambogia, please advise if those are safe to use. Thanks

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Zodwa,

    Are you HIV+? You can read about healthy eating here.

  8. Zodwa

    Im too fat,i want to loose weight and im 34yrs old but i weigh 120kg pls helpme

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Tumi,
    There are lots of different types of slimming tablets. Some of these are herbal pills that have not been scientifically proven to encourage weight loss. Others are only available by prescription. All medications can have some side effects and it is a good idea to discuss your concerns with a doctor before taking any medications.

    The best way to lose weight is usually to eat healthily and exercise regularly. You can read about diet and exercise at this link.

  10. Tumi

    Im 32,just found out that im hiv positive, im not yet on medication,my problem is that ive gain weight and i wnt to use slimming tablets,pls advise if its safe to use them.


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