
Will my CMV test delay any HIV antibodies and is this why my HIV tests are negative?

Thanks for not answering. I asked a question about co infection with CMV and HIV and if it would affect the HIV test result. I have tested positive for CMV infection but continue to test negative for HIV out to 6 months. I have had oral thrush, fever, headaches, sore throat and now my liver enzymes have continued to climb and I have a major amount of pain in my liver area. Could the CMV infection be delaying my production of HIV antibodies? This is my third time asking this question and would appreciate a response.


Thank you for your question.

The reason we have not answered this question before is that it clearly states on our website that any question related to testing should include an e-mail address as we are no longer posting them online. Our services are about disseminating HIV treatment related information rather than information on HIV testing.

CMV infection is very common, about 80-90% of people will test positive for CMV. CMV is asymptomatic unless you are severely immunocompromised. Your CMV infection would not be delaying your production of HIV antibodies. If you have repeatedly tested negative for HIV then you do not have HIV. Your symptoms could be caused by something else altogether. You should talk to your doctor about what is causing these symptoms other than HIV.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Chris, we only focus on HIV-related questions. If your HIV results are negative you do not have HIV. See question 1:

  2. Chris

    10 years ago I had a swollen lymphnode on my neck it was removed and checked for cancer and hiv. Both were negative. Today I was checked for CMV it was positive but my Hiv test was still negative. I have thrush and diarrhea and stomach issues and joint pain. What else could this be if it is not HIV or do you believe that I am getting false negatives. Please let me know.