Q and A


I am losing weight, is it because of my smoking?

I have severe wait loss.

I am on Truvada and efavirenz. My viral load is undetectable but I keep on losing weight.

I am a regular smoker, can this be the reason for me losing weight?


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are having problems with weight loss. To enable me to answer this question more accurately it would be useful to know where on your body you are losing weight. If you are losing weight around your face, arms, legs and buttocks then it is possible you are experiencing a side effect to the medication called lipoatrophy. For more information about lipodystrophy please follow this link.

If, having read this, you think you are experiencing lipoatrophy you need to speak to your HIV doctor about changing your HIV meds.

If you have not changed your diet and you are losing weight all over then you should speak to your doctor about what could be causing this so that they can do more tests. It is unlikely you have lost weight just because you smoke.

Please let us know how you get on.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Ashwani,

    Are you HIV positive? Any unexplained weight loss should be discussed with a doctor to find out the cause.

  2. Ashwani

    I am continuously losing weight around my waist. I have lost about 8/9 kilos in the last 7/8 months. Feel tired soon. I am on Lithium, Blood thinners, Medicines for high Blood Pressure for the last 17/18 years. Kindly let me know what could be the cause?

    Thanks & Regards


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