Q and A


I am changing from Truvada and efavirenz to Atripla, will I get lipodystrophy?


I was on HAART fo a year and then stopped due to peripheral neuropathy and lipodystropy. I changed to Stocrin (efavirenz) and Truvada. It’s been 9 months now and my shape is slowly coming back.

Now my doctor has put me on Atripla, I will be starting it in about 6 days time. I have read that one of it’s side effects is lipodystrophy what I would like to know is, will the lipodystrophy come back because it happened once before?


Thank you for your question.

Atripla contains Truvada and Stocrin. By swapping you will be taking the exact same thing you are currently on but in 1 tablet.

Some people get lipodystrophy with efavirenz (Stocrin) which is why it is listed as a side effect for Atripla. If you are already taking Stocrin and are having no lipodystrophy side effects then you will not develop lipodystrophy when you take Atripla.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thabi,
    Sorry, this sounds like very poor treatment. Which government is it? If you live in South Africa you can contact Treatment Action Campaign. They might be able to help find better treatment for you.

  2. Thabi

    I was on Truvada and nevirapine, I was doing well up until the nurses at the Public clinic forced me to take Atroiza which didn’t agree with , I ended up defaulting and my cd4 count dropped and my viral load which was undetectable before they changed me is high, I have changed the clinic and the new refused to changed me back to Truvada instead he gave Aluvia, m experiencing a lot of side effects, I am extremely tired have signs diabetic signs, I look I’ll when taking if I don’t take it for a day , I feel better its been 3 months. My question is , can I go back to Truvada and try and pay for it instead of Government assistance cos no one listens to me, they think I want default, I took my ARvs for 8 years without defaulting why would I do it now, I feel frustrated

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Curtis,

    I’m sorry but I don’t understand the question, could you please rephrase it?

  4. Curtis

    When I tested positive my doctor put me on Atripla for a fortnight,for which I drastically improved in terms of health related disorders like fatigue,loss of appetite and so forth.Became plump and was happy but later changed medicine after I tested negative after a viral load test and now I feel an itchy feeling all over my body including the scalp can I discontinue the current treatment to Atripla?
    Is there any problem?

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Sophy,

    It’s fine to take Atripla with nicotine (although of course it’s better for your health to avoid nicotine altogether!).

    If you are having problems oversleeping this could be a side effect of Atripla. It may help to take your medication a bit earlier in the evening, and to make sure you’re not taking it with a high fat meal. But if Atripla is causing big problems with your sleeping pattern you should tell your doctor about this.

  6. Sophy

    I m having a problem of of oversleeping is it fine to take atripla with nicotine?

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Arie,

    Atripla is a combination of the two drugs in truvada (tenofovir and FTC) and stocrin (efavirenz). Depression and trouble sleeping can be a side effect of stocrin. It’s unusual that you would see a difference in side effects between the two pill combination and Atripla. If you and your doctor believe this depression is a side effect of Atripla a change of medicine would probably be to something not containing stocrin. Please follow this link for more information about stocrin (efavirenz) side effects.

  8. arie

    Started takin arv treatment in 2008 ,I ve been taking truvada and stocrin since then ,my cd4 count increased and I was living like healthy person having no problem but my doctors suggested I should take atripla and I also liked the idea of taking a pill instead of two.But after a period of 6months of using atripla I started to have problem of sleeping and my heart would beat at a fast rate and I would stay awaked for about 5 to 8 hours then I consulted my doctor then he recommend I should see a psychologist and prescribe some sleeping tablet and stressam then later I was diagnose of depression .what is it with this atripla and depression because I like taking atripla my problem is a depression and I don’t want to change and go back to the truvada and stocrin as it is going to be expensive for me ,I am unemployed at the moment. So atripla is much cheaper.


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