Q and A


If my CD4 count is 1295, does it mean I no longer have HIV?

I am HIV positive. My first CD4 count was 685 and then it went up to 1295 does that mean I am healthy and is the virus cleared in my body?


Thank you for your question.

A CD4 count of 1295 is fantastic! However, unfortunately it does not mean HIV is cleared from your body. CD4 counts do fluctuate up and down. It could also be that you were recently infected and your CD4 count is increasing after the initial infection. For more information please follow this link.

The good news is that your immune system is very good as your CD4 count is so high.

What is your viral load result? Usually this would be detectable, even with a high CD4 count, though a small percentage of people (less than 0.01%) maintain a high CD4 count and undetectable viral load, without needing HIV treatment.


  1. Frederick

    My CD4 count dropped from 653 to 587.. Does this mean my immune system is weak? And moreover, can i transmit with such CD4?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tshepo,

    The blood test that they were talking about is your viral load, this is the amount of virus in your body. Having an undetectable viral load is excellent. It means that your HIV is under control and that you can’t transmit HIV through sexual intercourse.

    Its great to hear that your CD4 is so good.

  3. Tshepo

    If I may ask, I realised I was infected with Hiv in 2014, with 280 CD4 count and started taking Hiv meds immediately. I continued taking my meds regularly. Everytime I go for tests I find an increased cd4 count. From 280 it went to 487, and then 640, then 916 and then 1200. The tests were taken every six months. From there the last test was taken after a year in September 2017. When I got my results, they only read below undetectable. There wasn’t any specific reading that I got from the doctor. Now what I would like to know is, what does below undetecable imply? Can anyone please explain what”below undetecable” means. Thank you

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phumza,

    Do you mean viral load? How long have you been on meds? What are you taking?

  5. Phumza

    My cd4 count is 2500 and im worried because they want to change the regment. I don’t know if it’s gonna react well

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ihechi,

    Your CD4 is great. However, when talking about transmission its all about your viral load. If you’re on meds and your viral load is undetectable, then no you won’t be able to transmit. For more info, please see here:


  7. Ihechi

    Helo… My CD4 count is 895, is there a risk that I’ll transmit HIV?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mubangizi,

    Can I just confirm, is your viral load undetectable, so less than 50 copies? If it is and its been like this when you had children with the women that you mention, then yes its very likely that they are negative due to you having an undetectable viral load. This is because we now know what when someone has an undetectable viral load they cannot transmit HIV through sexual intercourse. Please see Q9 here:


    If you weren’t always on treatment, or your viral load has been detectable then the women have just been very lucky. As too have the children. See Q5 at the link above.

  9. mubangizi

    I’m HIV positive, my CD4 is 525 and viral load shows that the virus is detectable. I have produced with two women and they tested negative. Does this mean that if the HIV is not detectable I can not transmit the virus?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Suzan,

    How often are you having this checked?


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