Q and A


If my CD4 count is 1295, does it mean I no longer have HIV?

I am HIV positive. My first CD4 count was 685 and then it went up to 1295 does that mean I am healthy and is the virus cleared in my body?


Thank you for your question.

A CD4 count of 1295 is fantastic! However, unfortunately it does not mean HIV is cleared from your body. CD4 counts do fluctuate up and down. It could also be that you were recently infected and your CD4 count is increasing after the initial infection. For more information please follow this link.

The good news is that your immune system is very good as your CD4 count is so high.

What is your viral load result? Usually this would be detectable, even with a high CD4 count, though a small percentage of people (less than 0.01%) maintain a high CD4 count and undetectable viral load, without needing HIV treatment.


  1. suzan

    My cd4 was last 452and viral loan undetectable then three months later it was 354 cd4 coubt and viral load still undetectable now last month my CD4 went down 276 but my viral load is still less than 20 copies undetectable.my Doctor says I shouldn’t worry because the viral load is undetectable however am a bit worried because I thought my CD4 should be increasing especially with the fact that am complying with my medication and I have no side effects at all..please tell me what could be the problem here.

  2. James

    My T cells are 1698 and had abnormal anal pap smear showing ASCUS. With my count so high and undectable and creatinine was 1.3 with 1+ occult blood in urine.
    Is this kidney failure and anal cancer?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi James,

    i-base advocates aren’t doctors, therefore we can’t make diagnoses’. Please talk to your doctor about this.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lorraine,

    A CD4 of 445 is OK. With meds this will probably rise.

    Feeling dizzy and feeling like your body is itching can be side effects of meds. These should go within a few weeks. What is it that you’re taking? For more about starting meds, please see here:


  5. Lorraine

    My CD4 count is 445 what does that mean? I have started taking Atrozia, it makes me dizzy and my body is itchy.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Georgio,

    How are you coping with your diagnoses? Are you able to get any support?

    A CD4 count of 395’s OK. It will rise now that you’re taking meds. With regards to your health, you should be OK. This is because the meds will be controlling your HIV.

  7. georgio

    I just found out that I’m HIV positive with 395 CD4 count. What does this mean to my health? I’m now on ARVs

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lisa,

    How high a persons CD4 count will rise varies on the individual and at what level it was when they were diagnosed.

  9. Lisa

    How high can your number get?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Geminik,

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.
    Before I answer your questions, can I just check that your CD4 is 1752?

    Being on treatment is the only way that you can reduce the risk of transmission to your baby. So, you’re already doing the best thing. With regards to guaranteeing that your baby is born negative, this is something that no one can promise. I’m really sorry, but it isn’t. For more info on HIV and pregnancy please see our pregnancy guide:


    As for reinfection this can happen. Until you know your boyfriends status you may wish to use condoms.


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