Q and A


Newly diagnosed – advice with a CD4 count of 516?


I am a 23 year old person who just recently found out to I am HIV-positive.

My CD4 count was 516 and my doctor told me that i do not need to start treatment and remommended a healthy diet and lifestyle . He also recommended the following pre-treatment medication: Immunadue Original Plus, Selenium EFC, and Vitamin B Complex; and I’m required to perform blood tests every six months.

I was also told that herbals sometimes become too harsh in fighting the virus and might agnry it to be severe.

I havent been sick except for the sinusitis and I am able to treat that.

I was asking whether the given prescription and advice is perfect and also for any health/medical and moral advice.



Thanks for your question – it must be a difficult time for you right now but things should get easier.

Your doctor is giving you good advice about the time to start treatment. Most people do not start treatment until their CD4 count drops to around 350 cells/mm3. Monitoring until then is fine.

It is also good advice to lead a health life and eat well.

You are right to be vary of herbal treatments. Selenium and vitamin B may help – but may not make that much difference if you are already eating a balanced diet.

Immunadue is a multivitamin from South Africa. This is fine if you want to take it, but there is no evidence that using a multivitamin has any benefit for HIV. The claims on the website for this product are very wrong and misleading.

Immunadue will not increase your CD4 count or reduce your viral load.

When you come to need treatment, ARVs will be the best treatment.

You may be better to spend your money on good food rather than the multivitamin.


  1. Robin Jakob

    A CD4 of 488 is strong. In the UK guidelines recommend that you start treatment at 350

    Immunadue is a multivitamin. This is fine if you want to take it, it won’t negatively affect you. However there is no evidence that using a multivitamins has any benefit for HIV.

    Immunadue will not increase your CD4 count or reduce your viral load.

    When you come to need treatment, ARVs will help reduce you viral load and increase your CD4.

  2. linah

    Hello i am HIV positive and i have started immunadue original plus and my cd4 is 488,is this right?


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