Q and A


Is it ok if I take my meds 15 or 30 mins late?

Do you have to take your arvs at exactly the same time each day? Will for example 30 mins (or even an hour) each way have any impact whatsoever on the suppression of the virus or cause resistance? I am worried as even though I take them every day some days it is 15 or 30 mins later or earlier than the previous day.


Thank you for your question.

It is sometimes difficult to take your meds at the exact same time everyday.

Even when starting, there is a window of about an hour either side of your target time when it is still fine to take them.

For example, if you want to take your meds every night at 10 pm, then any time between 9pm and 11pm will be fine.

Everyone has a few times when we forget our meds though.

The less this happens the better. But if it does happen once in a while then there is nothing to worry about. If you forget in the future, take them as soon as you remember. However, if this is already close to the next dose DO NOT take a double dose.

Once you get an undetectable viral load, especially if it has been undetectable for several years, you have more flexibility. This partly depends on which drugs you are using.

Some once daily drugs (including tenofovir DF, emtricitabine and efavirinz) have long half-lives. This means drug levels stay in your body for long enough to cover being several hours late or even missing a dose completely.

Several studies are looking at whether reduced dosing might be safe – for example by only taking ART for four days a week. We need bigger studies before we know if this is safe though.

Note: this question was updated in October 2016 from and original answer in April 2011.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Danny,

    It’s perfectly fine to change meds to a different time. You may be feeling ‘different’ due to the time change. Changing the time that you take your meds won’t have an impact on your CD4 count.

  2. Danny

    Hi, its now one week since i changed my time to take medicine. When i was in my home country im taking it by 10pm everyday and i feel good and healthy! But since i moved here in my present country! 5 hours late from the philippines time! Since i came here i took my arvs. betweek 10pm-12am here! But i observe i felt the same feeling before i started taking arvs last years! I am thinking that the virus is now running again and awake in my body. Thats my instinct only! cause i feel this feeling again! my arvs is evaparenz/lamivudine/tenofovir! I really hope its not serious feeling. cause it will take time before i go back to philippines. any cd4 before was 54 and after taking arvs 6months became 252! its now 8 months! i didnt check again.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Brilliant,

    Unfortunately yes, that can be a problem. ARVs should be taken every day to make sure they keep working properly. Some ARVs stay in the body longer than others. But mostly we must aim to take them everyday, and in the same time slot of around 2 hours.

    Taking them just 2 or 3 times a week increases the risk of drug resistance and viral rebound.

    What ARVs are you taking? Some side effects can include sleep disturbance. So it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about this. You can discuss changing to meds that are easier for you to take.


    I take my ARV mby 3 or 4 times a week is dat a problem because I can’t sleep well on them.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Wife,

    Missing, or being late with, the occasional dose will be fine.

    You took it as soon as you remembered. And that’s the right thing to do. But if it’s time for your next dose, please don’t take a double dose.

  6. wife


    yesterday i was so tired and decided ti go relax in bed nd watch tv,i guess i dozed of as i woke up the following mornig i realized i forgot to take My ARV…and i decided to take it immediately but m stressing since i think i may have done something wrong…this was 8 hours late

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Winnie,

    Most of us forget to take our meds very occasionally like this.

    You did what is recommended and took them as soon as you remembered. It shouldn’t affect your health. It sounds like you’re doing all you can.

    What ARVs are you taking? And do you have access to your CD4 and viral load results? Please let us know what they are.

  8. Winnie

    hi, im breastfeeding. l once forgot to take my ARV one night at 8 pm and only remembered at 1 am the next morning. l took them as soon as l remembered. will that affect my health?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Power,

    Please see your previous comment answered here.

  10. Power

    My problem is dizziness, i cnt even go to work, Its day 5 today but dizziness aibo, today I didnt take it just for the break coz this thing make losing my mind indeed


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