Q and A


How can I get my CD4 count to increase?

Hi – what can I do to help increase my CD4? I have just found out I am at undetectable level after 8 weeks on treatment which is great. my CD4 has gone from 95 to 166 (after 4 weeks) and is now 173 after 8 weeks. I know it can take time for the CD4 to recover when the base level is low as mine but I am still disheartened as I was really hoping for it to have rebounded a bit better than this. What can I do to help it increase? Many thanks for your advice.


Thank you for your question.

Your CD4 count is doing really well and increasing nicely. Most people take 6-12 months for their CD4 counts to increase significantly. You are doing really well and have nothing to feel disheartened about.

There is very little anyone can do to increase their CD4 counts accept using HIV treatment which you are already doing. However, there are some things that you can do to maintain your CD4 count and ensure it stays up. This includes eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not getting stressed out, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and generally looking after yourself.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nkosingiphile,

    The way to make your viral load low and help increase your CD4 count is to start HIV treatment (ART).

    Staring ART can help look after your health and reduce the risk of HIV for your baby. Having an undetectable viral load when you give birth can reduce risk of HIV transmission to your baby to very low.

    Please talk to your doctor about starting ART. This discussion can help plan for your pregnancy.

    Here is the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  2. Nkosingiphile

    My cd4 is low and my viral load is high and I want to be pregnant what can I do to increase my cd4 count and make my viral load low and get pregnant

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jagseer,
    Yes, it is possible. Before starting HIV treatment (ART) your body has to work hard to fight HIV as it continues to wear out your immune system. Once you start ART your viral load comes down dramatically and this helps give your CD4 count the chance to recover. Some people can gain weight because energy is not wasted on HIV. Here’s a page from the guide to ART in Pictures showing how quickly your viral load can be reduced.

  4. Jagseer

    Hi, if I gain weight is it possible that my cd4 count is increasing , please answer me, I start my treatment 5weeks ago

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ronewa,
    This CD4% is low. And at this level you can be at increased risk of other infection. Are the clinic giving you treatment for this possibility? Your symptoms sound unusual. Have you talked to the doctor about them?

  6. Ronewa

    Hi i just get tested an my cd4count its 5% but they gave me medication to drink its making me loose weight an cant feel my lips an my spinal cord.im scared that something gona happen to me or i will die

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Brian,
    It’s great that you’re undetectable. This can be a good guide to your health, rather than your CD4 count. People who start ART at very low CD4 counts sometimes don’t achieve very high CD4 results. But that doesn’t mean your immune system can’t keep you well. Your CD4 percentage can be a better guide to your immune function. There’s more info on this question about CD4 percentages and CD4:CD8 ratio.

  8. Brian

    I’ve been HIV positive for 29 years I’m undectetable and my CD 4 count is 278 how can I get it to go up faster.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bonny,

    Being on ARVS will increase your CD4 count. Though a CD4 of 176 may seem low, people are diagnosed with much lower CD4’s. There’s more info here about CD4’s of less than 200:


  10. Bonny

    Hello i am Bonny
    I am HIV positive, and i discovered at one month ago …after testing of CD4 it read 176 Cd4 counts …how bad it is in my health? And what can i do to raise it???


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