Q and A


How can I get my CD4 count to increase?

Hi – what can I do to help increase my CD4? I have just found out I am at undetectable level after 8 weeks on treatment which is great. my CD4 has gone from 95 to 166 (after 4 weeks) and is now 173 after 8 weeks. I know it can take time for the CD4 to recover when the base level is low as mine but I am still disheartened as I was really hoping for it to have rebounded a bit better than this. What can I do to help it increase? Many thanks for your advice.


Thank you for your question.

Your CD4 count is doing really well and increasing nicely. Most people take 6-12 months for their CD4 counts to increase significantly. You are doing really well and have nothing to feel disheartened about.

There is very little anyone can do to increase their CD4 counts accept using HIV treatment which you are already doing. However, there are some things that you can do to maintain your CD4 count and ensure it stays up. This includes eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not getting stressed out, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation and generally looking after yourself.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Amaechi,

    A CD4 count of 480 is quite high and suggests your patient’s immune system is doing well. Most countries recommend starting HIV treatment when the CD4 count is around 350 or less.

    The only way to increase a CD4 count is with antiretroviral therapy (ARVs). Our Introduction to combination therapy treatment guide has lots of easy to understand information about HIV treatment.

    Does your patient have access to any HIV specialist care?

  2. Amaechi

    Pls am a nurse by profession I have a patient with CD4 of 480 and she is H.I.V positive. Is she ok. What will she do to increase it?

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Gundi,
    If your sister is losing a lot of weight without knowing why she needs to speak to the doctor about this. Has she had a viral load test or CD4 count since starting treatment?

  4. Gundi

    Hi.my c* started treatment(atripla)in may.her cd4 count ws 312.1st wks she ws nausea,dizzy wth metalic taste in her mouth headache,runny tummy.but not sick.now its being 4mnts.she doesnt feel anything but loosing much weight.plse help.

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Zama,

    Are you on treatment yet?

    If not, with a CD4 count this low it’s very important that you start treatment as soon as possible- within the next week or two. While your CD4 count is this low you are at risk of developing opportunistic infections like pneumonia and TB. The only way to boost your CD4 count is to take antiretroviral treatment (ARVs).

    Please follow this link for more information about Your CD4 count and the risk of becoming ill

    If you are already on treatment your CD4 count should start to go up over the next few weeks and months. Because your CD4 count is under 50 it’s important to be aware of something called IRIS. This is when the immune system, as it starts to get stronger, realises that the body has infections it hadn’t picked up before and it starts to fight these. This can mean you get ill, making things more complicated, but it’s easy to treat most of these infections. Please follow this link for more information about IRIS

  6. Zama

    My Cd4 count is 24 what do I need to do to boost it

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Rajesh,

    Tribuss (Atripla) is a combination of 3 HIV drugs- efavirenz,FTC and tenofovir. This treatment will increase your CD4 count if you take it exactly as prescribed. If you have lost weight because of HIV you should gain weight as your body gets stronger. If you are still losing weight you need to speak to your doctor to find out why. For more information about starting treatment please follow this link to our Introduction to combination therapy.

  8. Rajesh

    I m hiv+ patient,my cd4 count was 660 before,last 4 month before I again checked my cd4 that report given 300 cd4,I started trustiva drug tablet present 3 months completed,is these tablets increases the cd4 count,and what I have to do for my increases body weight,please tell me.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hello Augustus,
    Being HIV positive should not stop you working.
    It’s important to look after yourself and try to minimize stress. But being active and keeping busy is a good thing and finding out you are HIV positive shouldn’t stop you living your life.
    There should be no reason why your job would affect your CD4 count.

  10. augustus

    I was tested HIV+. I’m still working a hard job, can the this affect my cd4count?


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