Q and A


Question relating to previous answer: CD4 count and risk of IRIS

Hi Simon, thanks again for answering my questions.

I asked about my viral load and CD count recently, and you replied that i had almost reached 200 CD4 count after 5 months on treatment. Actually, it rose from 189 to 438 fairly quickly! Does this mean I am more at risk from IRIS?

I was only under 350 for a couple of months and my specialist said i should be ok?

I have only missed one dose of my meds in 5 months. My viral load is 126 but I’m hoping it will be undetectable at the next clinic visit and that I will have a higher CD count too.


Thanks. I have modified the earlier answer because I had mixed up your CD4 count with the previous question – please check the post again now.

You have no risk of IRIS. This is an early reaction to starting HIV treatment (usually within the first few weeks), and mainly affects people starting treatment with very low CD4 counts (less than 100 or less than 50).


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