
Will Revivo and Baariz cure HIV?

Have you heard anything about Revivo tea and related reseach? Secondly, what about
Baariz they say it is a cure for HIV developed in Pakistan by Dr. Asim Awan.

I have asked the question to your site because as a patient we will try anything to console ourselves and get better.

Many thanks for your help


Thank you for your question.

There has not been any proven cure for HIV yet. Baariz and Revivo are a herbal preparations and teas respectively.

Herbal teas DO NOT treat HIV and DO NOT cure HIV.

The clinical studies which the Baariz website mentions are not scientifically accurate.

Whilst there is still no cure for HIV, we must not give up hope. There has so far been one patient who had a very complicated medical history but who has been able to cure HIV through several bone marrow transplants from a donor who has a rare genetic mutation which means HIv cannot infect their CD4 cells. This person is known as ‘The Berlin Patient’ and more information on him can be found by following this link.

Luckily today there are good treatments available which can give people with HIV a near normal life expectancy and a good quality of life. We need to be thankful for those whilst we continue to hope for a cure.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Yes, people who are HIV positive should be allowed to take HIV medicines (ARVs) that researchers have approved as safe and effective against HIV.

    Please read the answer to this question. Herbal teas and preparations don’t treat HIV and they don’t cure HIV.

  2. Sylver

    Should patients who are now affected by HIV not allowed to try medicines? what so ever it may be

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Idris,

    We give HIV treatment information to HIV positive people. Unfortunately we are not doctors and so we can’t provide you with the medicine.

    Is it possible for you to find a doctor where you live? Can you give me some more information please?

  4. Idris

    I want to know how can we find you to get the medicine because I’m infected.

  5. Simon Collins

    this thread says that herbals teas do not treat HIV.

    HIV can be treated very easily and well – but only using HIV antiretroviral drugs (ARVs).

  6. Ahmed

    Why did you say Hiv cannot be treated while some people were treated.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi. there is exciting research from a person who had a bone marrow transplant and also from two people with stem cell transplants. So this is the real story. See this link for a recent report. These are complicated treatment that are only for a few people, but we hope to learn from them how to eventually cure HIV for everyone else.

    I haven’t included the name of the herb you mentioned because I do not want to give further publicity to it. There are NO herbs that cure or treatment HIV. Even when people claim miraculous cures they are unfortunately just likely to be scams and lies. They are also looking for your money!

  8. Moreen

    Thank u for the move to fight aids and hiv against humanity. However, of recent we are reading about a herbal treatment to claim to cure HIV and also about bone marrow transplant as cures for HIV. Which of the these is more effective cure for the disease?


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