Q and A


Can ARV treatment cause aching feet?


Yes, a side effect called peripheral neuropathy can cause aching feet, numbness and also pain.

Please see this link for more details.

It is caused mainly by two drugs:

  • d4t (stavudine)
  • ddI (didanosine)

If you are taking either of these drugs, speak to your doctor about changing them for alternatives. Do not stop the drugs though until you speak to your doctor.

Sometimes a lower dose of d4T can be used, but it is better to change to a completely different drug.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sizeka, have you spoken to your doctor about the temperature of your feet?

  2. Sizeka

    What causes the feet to be too much hot even if its cold, the person is on treatment?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thembeka, vulante does not cause peripheral neuropathy. Have you taken any other treatments for HIV in the past? How would you describe the pain in your feet? and do you have any other health conditions that could cause this e.g., diabetes?

  4. Thembeka

    Hi i have been taking vulante pills what can stop the pain of peripheral neurophty

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thembeka, what is the name of the medication you are taking? and have you been experiencing this pain since starting ART? Have you mentioned this to your doctor?

  6. Thembeka

    I have been taking my medication from 2019 and i have side effect with painful feet that doesnt stop what can help me to stop pain

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kulina, what ARVs are you taking? and are you on any other medication?

  8. Kuiina

    I HV been taking Arv since August 2921 but have now swollen feet and legs.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Donald.

    This is something that needs to be discussed with your doctor. Due to your viral load being undetectable, your HIV is under control.

  10. Donald

    Hi, Ihave been taking ARV’S since 2012 and last checkup my virul load was below detectable limit but I have been having swollen feet and they are also sore. What could be the problem?


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