Q and A


Can ARV treatment cause aching feet?


Yes, a side effect called peripheral neuropathy can cause aching feet, numbness and also pain.

Please see this link for more details.

It is caused mainly by two drugs:

  • d4t (stavudine)
  • ddI (didanosine)

If you are taking either of these drugs, speak to your doctor about changing them for alternatives. Do not stop the drugs though until you speak to your doctor.

Sometimes a lower dose of d4T can be used, but it is better to change to a completely different drug.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thando,

    What does the doctor say about your swollen feet? It’s a good idea to have your doctor look at them.

    But how is your HIV treatment going? Do you have access to your viral load and CD4 count? Please let us know.

  2. Thando

    hello i am taking Atroiza and now have swollen feet. what maybe the cause.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tshepiso Z,

    If you have a rash, please consult your doctor about this. It could be a mild side effect, or it could be something more serious.

  4. Tshepiso Z

    Hi I started with atroiza 4days ago and my cd4 count was 183. since started with medication been experiencing itchiness n have a rash around around my body. how long wil it take for the itchiness to go n for my cd4 count to increase

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vee,

    i-base advocates aren’t medical doctors. If you are unable to walk this is something that you’ll need to discuss with a doctor. If you CD4 count is low, this could be why you are feeling like this. You’ll need to restart medication.

  6. Vee

    Hi my name is vee i defaulted and im uable to walk . I am taking tribuss and have symptoms of diabites could i b on a wheelchair permanently or should i change my medication

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anderson,

    Yes, as it says above, it can cause nerve pain that’s called peripheral neuropathy. But this was linked to older ARVs that are not used so much today.

    What ARVs are you taking? And what does the doctor say about your pain?

  8. Anderson

    I have similar challenge. Please help. My feet pain so much. Am on ARVs

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mahlahko,

    This is something that you’re going to need to discuss with your doctor. They will be able to advice you.

  10. Mahlahko

    Hi I have been talking ARV for about 15 years now ,I am using Tribuss am now experiencing hot feet and hands at night , I checked my sugar levels they are fine , I do not have sugar diabetes, my says it could be the trapped HIV that is causing it. Please how can i get help


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