
Can I used Lamzid (AZT/3TC) to reduce the risk of infection?

I’m dating a person who is HIV positive and I’m HIV negative. Is it good for me to use Aspen’s Lamzid when we have sex?

Will it cause a problem as time goes on.


Please do NOT use Lamzid in this way.

Firstly, there is no evidence that it will protect you from catching HIV.

Secondly, there are risks from you taking these meds. If you have hepatitis B or catch hepatitis B taking the 3TC in Lamzid could cause liver problems if you are stopping and starting the drug. If you were unlucky enough to catch HIV, your use of Lamzid is likely to make you resistant to 3TC which could then affect both you and your partners future treatment options (if you passed that resistance back to your partner).

Is your partner on treatment? If and when this happens, this reduce the risk of transmitting HIV.

Using a condom is still the most effective way to do this though.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Rose

    Someone’s medicine and medical history is a personal issue.

    If this is something that you are worried about, this is something that you can ask your boyfriend,

  2. rose

    I found asep lamzid tablets inma boyfriend house does. dis mean he is hiv. possitive or wat cn 1. use dis tablets for

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Zoli,
    Why did you change treatment? Was this because of problems with Odimune or did your doctor recommend this for another reason?

  4. Zoli

    I hve been taking odimune for two months and now I hve changed to lazmid and I’m 6 months pregnant

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    You shouldn’t use lamzid together with odimune. Odimune contains three HIV drugs- efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. Lamzid contains two drugs- AZT and 3TC. Using these together would mean you were taking too many drugs and this could cause difficult side effects and drug interactions.

    What treatment are you currently using?

  6. vivian

    can i use lamzid and odimune

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Lona, are you HIV positive? If you are experiencing bleeding and/or pain during sex please talk to your doctor about this so that they can investigate what is causing it.

  8. lona

    Hhi,everytime I have sex wit my partner I bleed,wat could be the course of this plz help