Q and A


Can I used Lamzid (AZT/3TC) to reduce the risk of infection?

I’m dating a person who is HIV positive and I’m HIV negative. Is it good for me to use Aspen’s Lamzid when we have sex?

Will it cause a problem as time goes on.


Please do NOT use Lamzid in this way.

Firstly, there is no evidence that it will protect you from catching HIV.

Secondly, there are risks from you taking these meds. If you have hepatitis B or catch hepatitis B taking the 3TC in Lamzid could cause liver problems if you are stopping and starting the drug. If you were unlucky enough to catch HIV, your use of Lamzid is likely to make you resistant to 3TC which could then affect both you and your partners future treatment options (if you passed that resistance back to your partner).

Is your partner on treatment? If and when this happens, this reduce the risk of transmitting HIV.

Using a condom is still the most effective way to do this though.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Taking HIV medication in this way is called post exposure prophlaxis (PEP). Unprotected sex whilst you are taking PEP is not recommended. This is because you don’t know your status and you could infect your partner. That is why it is important to wait until you finish the course and have done the follow-up confirmatory test.

    Please follow this link for more information on PEP and the risks of sexual transmission.

  2. Mthandeni

    hi, my condom broke while having an intercourse with another partner whose status is unknown, but yet claims she is negative, I then took Aspen Lamzid as a precaution, but I am having unprotected sex with my wife because I cannot tell her about this ordeal, if the other party is positive will I infect my wife even thought the virus has not developed in me while I’m taking these pills, please help.

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Ziyanda,

    You should talk to your doctor before stopping your medication. S/he should be able to give you something to help manage the side effects. If you stop taking the medication before the end of the course it is less likely to work.Lamzid contains two drugs- AZT and 3TC. Usually post-exposure prophlaxis (PEP) is a combination of 3 drugs. Are you taking any other medication? Please follow this link for more information about PEP.

  4. Ziyanda

    Do you have to consult Dr if Lamzid doesn’t work for you, for an example i was pricked by a needle of a child who’s mother is status known so i was given prophylaxis and then reffered to the Dr, so now im on it for a month and since i have started using it my stomach is not well and i have persistant headache, should i go for a Dr or just discontinue the pills?????

  5. Simon Collins

    You can have protected sex while taking Lamzid (AZT/3TC). If you don;t use condoms though you risk passing HIV to your partner if it turns out that you have the virus.

  6. Simon Collins

    In some countries using two HIV drugs after a possible exposure is sometimes still used in the hope it might stop an infection. Most countries use a combination of three drugs.

    This is not a reliable way to protect yourself against HIV. As a last resort – if a condom broke and if you have not got access to three drugs, it might help.

  7. phakama

    Can i use lamzid (AZT/3TC) after 72 hours beibg expose to HIV?

  8. Zett

    I had unprotectd sex..Iv testd negtiv…got the lamzid pill wit in 72hrs. Jst so i cn b safe..by gods grace. Nw tht im on the med, cn i hv protectd sex wile in the process of the med.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi, I answered your question at this link.

  10. bernhard

    what is muscle waisting and what can one do to reduce it?
    Secondly,why has my brother lost facial fats even the arm are looking
    small and dry.He is on tenofovir and efavirenz doing third month.