Q and A


Can I get married after an HIV diagnosis?

I am 29 year old male andI have just been diagonosed with HIV. It is really terrible for me as I was about to get married. But I do not know what to do now. Can I still get married and live a normal life? How badly it is going to effect my relationship with my female partner?


Thank you for your questions. I am sorry to hear that you have just newly been diagnosed with HIV. It can be overwhelming but it is important to get support and take one day at a time. Although HIV is still a disease that has no cure, with HIV treatment many people are with HIV are living near normal lives.

There is nothing that should physically stop you from getting married. The impact of HIV on your relationship depends on how your partner receives the news of your HIV status. It is important to talk to your partner before committing to her, so that you are able to not only protect each other, but to support each other too.

Best wishes.


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