Q and A


How can I get HIV meds in Spain?

Am HIV Poz and though in the US I enjoy a generous medical insurance policy, covering me in all states including Puerto Rico, I would like to know how if I can get HIV meds in Spain? I read their are restrictions on importing drugs into the country, however, I have friends in Germany and France and don’t mind going there to pick up my drugs. Any advice?


Try contacting gTt in Barcelona – a great treatment activist group would should be able to help.


  1. Agbadu

    Hi Lisa,
    Thanks a lot for your reply.i was called to come to the hospital and when i went i was sent to do the tests on CD4 counts and Viral Load few days ago this week.
    Chest X-ray also i took it the same day.
    Am now given 43 days to come again which i think its too far,the Doctor asked me to go to Emergency if am not feeling during this days before my appointment.
    Please during this days can my CD4 counts decline more?
    I always feel headaches and body pains during nights,pain killer doesnt help if i take.can this be the late stage of hiv?
    I had a cut on my finger nails also which has since refused to regrow like previously,like fungi infection. Can this also mean my immune system is severely damaged?
    Please help me out

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Agbadu,

    Viral load and CD4 tests in Europe usually take up to a few weeks. Therefore, 24 days does seem like a long time. If you aren’t happy with you care, then yes you should see about changing clinic.

  3. Agbadu

    Not yet,i went for the 2nd blood test on etiology etc. after being diagnosed positive.They said they will call me but its almost 24 days now,when i call they say they will call me so am very confused.
    please does the test on CD4 and viral load takes long like that? is it advisable to go for the report and register different hospital for treatment or i should go for another tests on CD4 count and Viral load at the new hospital.
    Thanks for your reply,waiting to hear from you again.
    Am living in spain

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Agbadu,

    Do you know what your CD4 count is and viral load? Have you started meds yet?

  5. Agbadu

    Hi Lisa,
    I was recently diagnosed HIV+.i lost about 10kilos of my weight and went for check up due to this.i was also referred to Digestivo and they said hipertransaminasa and was also asked for another analisis for etiological study with VEB and CMV.
    They said they will call me for treatment if the analisis comes out,its been 20 days and i called them and said they will forward a message for me to get cita.
    am not feeling all that well at all,i feel they are just delaying me for my sickness to be worse.
    Am in Andalucia and want to change to Barcelona,any advice please?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sly,

    Its perfectly fine to travel anywhere in Europe with ARVs. It won’t be an issue.

  7. sly

    M from kenya and Travelling to spain through france then germany for 3months n m hiv+ should I carry my medicine? Since dnt know if can access any there…
    Are there restrictions on carrying them?

  8. Sergio

    David, I saw your comment and I would like to know the answer to the same question you. Please post your answer as I am very interested as well.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi David

    People who live and work in Spain or EU citizens living there do not have to pay for their HIV meds because Spain has a free national health care system which people pay for from their taxes. i-Base is based in the UK and I don’t know the details for each European country so contacting an organisation in Spain would be a good place to start. Try gTt in Barcelona.

    You may have to continue getting meds in the US or may be able to access free healthcare after you are legally resident in Spain. Depending on your combination, you might also find that the cost of medicines becomes cheaper in the next few years as older drugs come off-patent and become available in generic formulations.

  10. David

    I’m planning on retiring in Spain next year and I have been HIV positive for 22 years. Here in the States my insurance covers my medications. I have been advised that I have to buy into the Spanish healthcare system. I also understand that medications are not included in the Spanish insurance. How do those living in Spain afford the enormous cost of mediations? I am planning on moving to Valencia and need to know how to obtain medications and that it is not prohibitive to my move. Thank you for your response.


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