Q and A


How can I boost my CD4 over 200? Can I eat oysters and sushi?

I am trying to get my cd4 up and wanted to see what I can do to help it push along? I am on meds but my cd4 is still below 200 (since diagnosed 4 months ago). I am undetectable though which is good.
will drinking alcohol make it come up less quick? what other lifestyle changes can I make?

Also, I read in one of the NAM pamphlets that those with CD4s less than 200 are not allowed sushi or oysters – is this true? I love both and would like to see if I am allowed to eat them.


Without knowing your CD4 count before treatment or the count now, it is difficult to comment in any detail.

In general, it is probably better for your CD4 count to gradually increase over the first year or two of treatment that to dramatically jump up quickly. Many of the highest risks of a low CD4 count come when this is less than 50 and then less than 100. It could easily take a while to get above 200, but the main thing is that you are on treatment now. There isn’t anything you can do to help this increase faster. Stress and worry might keep it lower though.

As your susceptibility to gut infections related to food and hygiene are still a bit higher when your count is below 200, and maybe even when below 350, continuing to be cautious about food for a bit longer might be a good idea.

This isn’t a law though, just advice. Sushi every now and then from a good supplier is probably fine. Anyone can have good or bad luck with an oyster, whatever their CD4 count. Food poisoning is horrible. Similarly lots of HIV-positive people eat sushi. The caution is that when your CD4 count is under 200 your immune system is a bit less strong.

Lots of advice about food cautions are historical from before there was effective treatment. It is still important if your CD4 count is under 100, and this includes avoiding salads that you have not washed yourself. Once your CD4 count is increasing again on treatment continued problems with bugs like crytosporidium or microsproidium are not widely reported.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sylivia,

    The negative tests, were these after the positive test? Have you had this test confirmed in a hospital? Was your viral load also taken?

  2. sylivia

    My cd4 is 964 is it ok I tested positive then tested negative three Times I’m still on med is my life at risk

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sanjay,

    If you haven’t restarted meds this is something that you’re going to need to do. This is important because your CD4 count is low. Are you able to restart meds?

  4. Sanjay

    My CD4 is 76 actually some of issue I not able to take the medicine for 4 month so what should I do now plz suggest me

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Deborah,

    Congratulations on the news you’re going to have a baby. Your HIV treatment (ART) can help reduce the chances of your baby being HIV positive to zero. ART aims to get your viral load to undetectable before you give birth.

    But you can ask at the clinic if you need other treatment to help support your CD4 count.

    Here’s the guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  6. Deborah

    My CD4 count is 64 and I have commenced treatment hope it won’t affect my giving birth normal because am pregnant?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emily,

    Yes you should be on meds. This is because everyone who is positive should be on medication. Please see here:


  8. emily

    Hi my cd4coint is 333should I start treatment

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nesh,

    Can you tell me a bit more. What treatment are you on and when did you start? Also, what was your CD4 count when you started treatment?

  10. nesh

    Hi Sir Im very disturbed now i just find out my CD4 is 84. im under treatment,why why still down?and any suppliment food can help me push up abit by abit.


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