Q and A


Which countries that do not allow HIV positive people to visit?

Can you please name a few countries who do not allow hiv +ve people? What about Saudi Arabia ?


Further information on the legislation of the different countries is published at the following link:

It is important to recognise that what countries have on paper is impossible to enforce in practice. Even when countries say that HIV is a bar to entry, and even if they maintain the right to test you, this very rarely happens unless they have a reason to think you are HIV positive.

Even with restrictive policies, for short trips, some HIV positive people still travel for holidays and business. The main complication comes if your meds are found by border control or immigration.

For this reason some people decide not to travel to countries that show this discrimination.

This Q&A was updated in 2021 from a post in May 2008.


  1. Samantha

    Can an HIV person apply for visa and work in the UK as a nurse

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Flora,

    It says here at HIV Travel: In Nigeria, there are no specific entry regulations for people with HIV/AIDS. An HIV test result is not required when entering the country. Foreigners with a known HIV infection are not subject to specific residence regulations. But check with the Nigerian Embassy before you travel.

  3. flora

    Can i travel to kaduna in nigeria with my hiv positive status

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Edler,

    If you are resident in the UK, treatment for HIV and sexual health is free.

  5. edler

    what if a person wants to study in Uk do he get treatment there during the course of learning

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fungai,

    HIV is not a health condition that needs to be declared when you are visiting the UK. Therefore, yes you can come and visit. You being positive isn’t a problem.

  7. Fungai

    I want to know, does the United Kingdom allows visitors who are living with HIV to visit your country?

  8. Chris

    Try again to get the EATG web site to appear:

  9. Chris Green

    Perhaps the most comprehensive, up-to-date (and maintained) reference on this is the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)’s Travel Restrictions web site . You may wish to check this…


  10. Hamish

    There is also another reference, an Australian agency has just produced this pocket travellers guide.

    A very informative publication.



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