Q and A


Which countries that do not allow HIV positive people to visit?

Can you please name a few countries who do not allow hiv +ve people? What about Saudi Arabia ?


Further information on the legislation of the different countries is published at the following link:

It is important to recognise that what countries have on paper is impossible to enforce in practice. Even when countries say that HIV is a bar to entry, and even if they maintain the right to test you, this very rarely happens unless they have a reason to think you are HIV positive.

Even with restrictive policies, for short trips, some HIV positive people still travel for holidays and business. The main complication comes if your meds are found by border control or immigration.

For this reason some people decide not to travel to countries that show this discrimination.

This Q&A was updated in 2021 from a post in May 2008.


  1. Zinhle

    Good day

    Can I work in Spain if I am HIV+?

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bhekithemba, working in the UK with HIV is not a problem. HIV is not a restriction for employment and access to medication is free from HIV registered sexual health clinics – which are found all over the country.

  3. Bhekithemba

    Im living with HIV but we like to work abroad in UK because I would like to work there and I’m taking my med very careful

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Spencer, unfortunately Dubai is not a very receptive country for HIV positive people. Working will require a visa for which a medical examination is required, including an HIV test. This test must be performed in country and any tests from other countries will be disregarded.

    Testing positive in Dubai is not good. A positive result usually leads to people being detained and then deported to their home country.

  5. Spencer

    Hi,hello am hiv-positive can l travel in Dubai for a work

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi James, in the UK it means that HIV is not a barrier to employment. It is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act, 2010. This means you cannot be discriminated against on the basis of being HIV positive.

    There are a very small number of jobs in the UK that do require disclosure of status. These are blood-facing roles like surgeon, dentist and midwife. However being HIV will still not prevent employment. Instead you will require regular testing of viral load and proof of adherence to HIV medication.

    In general HIV is seldom asked about for employment in the UK.

  7. James

    I’m an HIV positive diagnosed 2016. I’m living here in the Philippines and planning to work in other countries like United Kingdom. Am I able to work there or what I mean is there is no Restrictions in working there?

  8. Nkululeko

    Thank you for the information, I’m also looking forward to relocate to any of the countries , Canada , Australia , UK , America , but my challenge is I’m not working at the moment to raise funds for the application but if I get an employer to sponsor me with Visa , Air ticket I will appreciate , i don’t even to pay back when I’m working

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rodriquez, as a foreigner unfortunately working in Dubai as an HIV positive person is not possible. An HIV test certificate is required for anyone who is applying for a work and residence permit. With the result of testing being positive, work will be denied and you will be detained and/or deported. Emiraiti do not recognise test certificates from other countries and require testing upon application in the UAE. Entry is also forbidden to the country with the presence of ART for personal use.

  10. rodriguez

    im Hiv positive getting treatment and in addition good in health condition ..can i work in dubai .?


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