
Will PEP delay seroconversion?

Will PEP delay the course of seroconversion if someone has contracted HIV?

How many weeks after exposure will the result of the HIV test let someone be really sure if that person took PEP post exposure, some references said that the delay could be up to 2 years post exposure?

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PEP – stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. It is a term used for taking HIV drugs after a possible exposure to reduce the risk of infection.

After sexual exposure, PEP usually involves taking a combination of three HIV drugs for one month.

If the PEP has worked, or the person was not initially infected, this will show as a negative HIV test at one month and three months after the PEP treatment finishes.

If the PEP has not worked, this will be shown in a positive test result. Testing 4 weeks after PEP will detect 95% of infections. Testing three months after PEP will detect more than 99.99% of infections and is considered confirmation that someone is HIV negative.

If PEP has not worked, serosonversion usually occurs 1-3 weeks after PEP is finished, although only 80% of people show these symptoms.


  1. Simon Collins

    Você deve testar 4 semanas depois do Poste Exposição Prophylasis (ENERGIA). E então outra vez dois meses mais tarde (12 semanas depois de parar ENERGIA. Mesmo que Biovir só inclui duas drogas (AZT e 3TC) ainda pode ter ajudado. [Cuidado: tradução de inglês por Internet tradução livre]

  2. Mauricio

    Fiz profilaxia com biovir por 28 dias, qual é a janela confiável neste caso?
