Q and A


Can I invite my HIV-positive partner to live with me in the UK?

Can I call over from abroad my HIV-positive partner to join me in the UK for permanent residence?


The UK does not put a ban on positive people, as long as they reside here legally. Also, although HIV testing is rare, I think that the UK reserves the right to include a health test, including HIV, if they think someone is travelling here who is not well.

There may also be differences depending on where your partner lives and whether you have a legally binding partnership. If you are married or are civil partners, then health issues like HIV-status may be fine, but if this is not a formally recognised relationship, then your partner’s HIV status could limit how easily they can enter the country, if this is something you disclose on the application form.

If your partner is a citizen of an EU country, he/she can come to the UK without a visa and this is much more straight-forward as EU citizens can travel freely between other EU countries.

If he/she is a citizen of a non-EU country, the process is more complicated. You will have to send him/her an invitation letter and go through the partnership visa procedure. It varies slightly by country, that is why you will have to check the exact documents necessary in the local British embassy.

If you are successful in your partners application to stay, according to the legislation, your partner will not legally be able to access HIV treatment for one year after arriving in the UK. Sometimes it is possible to be treated anyway, but this varies by hospital, region and other factors. If they are on treatment, then making sure that he/she has enough medications for that period may be important.

This is a specialist area and it might be useful to contact the National AIDS Trust (www.nat.org.uk) for their advice.

Best of luck!


  1. Mjj

    Is it possible for a nurse to migrate in work in ireland or UK

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marc, you do not need to disclose your status to your GP. This is a very personal decision and is completely your choice if you decide to do so or not. Informing your GP of your status will help them be more aware your health but only if you are comfortable disclosing to them.

  3. Marc

    Hi Simon,

    So I don’t need to disclose to the local GP that I am currently taking ART?
    Please let me know if its advisable to disclose or not. If it is possible not to disclose it, is it okay?


  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Marc, yes, it is important to register with a GP for general health. This will be separate to HIV care at the sexual health clinic, although they will ask for your permission for the GP to also know about your HIV care. You need to register separately to each clinic.

  5. Marc

    Hi Josh,

    Can I register with a local GP and at the same time avail the ARV treatment in Leicester sexual Health Clinic?

    Please advise on this matter. I am really confused on the process.
    Thank you.


  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marc, Josh here instead of Lisa. Hopefully I will be able to help. In the UK HIV clinics are ‘open access’ meaning a referral from a doctor is not needed. Giving the clinic a call before your arrival is important to make sure there is time to see you!

    You mentioned you’re in Leicester. The Leicester Sexual Health Clinic will be able to help. With an appointment, you will be given a prescription to collect your ARTs from a specialist pharmacist that dispenses HIV medication.

  7. Marc

    Hi Lisa,

    I just arrived in Leicester UK just weeks ago and I have brought with me 6-month worth of a single-dose ARV treatment that is taken once daily.

    I would like to ask how can I access free ARV treatments near my area?
    Your response is much appreciated.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Marc.

    i-base can’t comment on university admissions nor visas, we’re not set up for that.
    If however you’re going to be attending a uni in the UK, it’s 100% OK to say that you have a disability, you also don’t need to say anything.

  9. Marc Ezekiel

    Hi. I’m about to answer a disability questionnaire in my university registration. Do I need to disclose my disability/HIV status even if I’m not comfortable sharing it? Does it considered as breach of agreement? Will they withdraw my university admission/student visa sponsorship?

    Thank you for your responses.

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Natasha, i-Base doesn’t use whatsapp but the phoneline is a free number from the UK.

    Although treatment is free, if you are moving here to study or work, please bring 1-2 months of your meds with you and a summary of your HIV medical history.


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