Q and A


What happens if don’t take Atripla on an empty stomach?

Hello! I take Atripla and I need to take it on an empty stomach. I am just wondering what happens when I don’t take it on an empty stomach and how long after a meal is the stomach empty?


Thank you for your question.

Eating before taking Atripla will not stop it from working.

When the drug instructions say take Atripla on an empty stomach, it does not mean that you have to feel physically empty or hungry. That is why the recommendation is to take your medication after about 2 hours without eating. A cup of tea and a biscuit an hour before you take your medication should be fine.

One of the reasons why they recommend taking it on an empty stomach is because a high fat mean can increase the drug levels of efavirenz  to 60%. This can then increase the side effects. Nearly all other foods are fine, just leave a couple of hours when the meal is high fat. [efavirenz is one of the drugs contained in Atripla].

Some people find that they can eat and take Atripla almost straight after without experiencing side effects. However, as people are individuals and react differently to treatment, others find that eating and taking Atripla straight after, gives them nausea, vomitting or diarrhoea.


  1. Edward

    I started taking Atripla in December 2016. I was diagnosed HIV+ in November of 1986. Atripla was the first drug administered to me after no drug intervention for 20 years. I had a difficult time at first taking the drug as it induced some very frightening, vivid dreams. After many sleepless nights I finally took a 2mg tablet of clonazepam which I used for anxiety attacks. I immediately saw a big difference in my dreams. They became less frightening. About 5 or 6 years ago, 2012 or 2013, I woke up in the middle of the night, short of breath, having difficulty walking, very confused and disoriented. I told my doctor about this incident and he didn’t think it was related to the Atripla. I looked up my symptoms on the internet and came up with lactic acidosis, which can be caused by HIV meds in some cases. I have had the same symptoms pop since the first time the above mentioned episode occurred. Now, within the last 2 or 3 weeks these episodes have happened about 3 or 4 times. I’ve also developed some type of neuropathy in my left arm and hand and also my left leg within the last 2 months. My doctor is out of town until October 16th, 2018. I live in small city and he is the only doctor qualified to treat patients with HIV. I am at the point that I am now afraid to continue with the Atripla until I see him in 2 weeks. The episodes described are getting much more intense and alarming. Have other people experienced the same symptoms I have described? Is it ok for me to stop taking the Atripla for 2 weeks until I see my doctor?

    Thank you!

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Futhi,

    Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/734

  3. Futhi

    Hi is it ok to take Adco Efavirenz 600 mg with food because it gives me side effects ,dizziness,nausea and tiredness ?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Collins,

    The meds that you’re taking should ideally be taken in the evening. However, you can also take them in the morning. This is if they aren’t causing you any problems.

  5. Collins

    Iam new on my hiv treatment. Is proper to take the drugs in the morning period? Please i need your advice on how to take efavirenz 600mg,lamivudine 300mg,and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300mg

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Izah,

    Please talk to the doctor about the problems are you having with Tribuss. You can check that you’re taking them at the rght time of day and in the right way.

    It’s important that you also discuss Purbac with the doctor. Purbac is an antibiotic and it should protect you from other infections while your CD4 count is low. Your doctor should tell you when your CD4 count is strong enough for you to stop taking Purbac.

  7. Izah

    I’m HIV positive for over 20 yrs now but I only started taking tribuss arv’s last year and they are giving me a problem. I also stopped on taking pubarc pills as they were making me vomit and hard to swallow. What advice can you give

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nokulunga,

    ARVs are supposed to help you, not make your life worse. If you’re having problems you should speak to your doctor. They might be able to change you to something else. Please also see Q 3 here:


  9. Nokulunga

    Am new in my treatment,I took my Atripla everyday 20:00 before I sleep and before food but I find it so hard to survive,because side effects are killing me,dizziness and drowsiness even the following day during the day I dont know what to do anymore because now I can’t even work, and now am about to givup on them because am not living a normal life anymore,what to do to fight this or I should stop taking them pls help.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zamo,

    Because you’ve been ok up until recently, I’d advise that you go and see your doctor. They may be able to explain why you’re having chest discomfort.


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