
What happens if don’t take Atripla on an empty stomach?

Hello! I take Atripla and I need to take it on an empty stomach. I am just wondering what happens when I don’t take it on an empty stomach and how long after a meal is the stomach empty?


Thank you for your question.

Eating before taking Atripla will not stop it from working.

When the drug instructions say take Atripla on an empty stomach, it does not mean that you have to feel physically empty or hungry. That is why the recommendation is to take your medication after about 2 hours without eating. A cup of tea and a biscuit an hour before you take your medication should be fine.

One of the reasons why they recommend taking it on an empty stomach is because a high fat mean can increase the drug levels of efavirenz  to 60%. This can then increase the side effects. Nearly all other foods are fine, just leave a couple of hours when the meal is high fat. [efavirenz is one of the drugs contained in Atripla].

Some people find that they can eat and take Atripla almost straight after without experiencing side effects. However, as people are individuals and react differently to treatment, others find that eating and taking Atripla straight after, gives them nausea, vomitting or diarrhoea.


  1. Johnson

    My breast tissue has developed ever since I started taking Triolar tablets and this makes me very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Moshidi,

    If you’re being given different versions of Atripla, this is OK. WHat medication are you taking?

  3. Moshidi

    Hi Lisa is it ok for the nurse to give me different HIV medication each and every month,it’s been three months started to take medication now?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ali,

    What are you taking?

  5. Ali

    Is it good for me to be taken my drugs by 6 am on emty stomach, and what is the side effects in taken on emty stomach thank u.

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Matthew,

    Taking Luvigen at night is not likely to cause harm. Luvigen contains tenofovir, lamivudine (3TC) and dolutegravir.

    Atripla contains the drug efavirenz. Taking Atripla at night can help reduce side effects of efavirenz.

    Luvigen is likely to be fine if taken at night. But please speak to your doctor if it keeps you awake.

  7. Matthew

    Hi Lisa..
    What I would like to know is can I stick to the 7pm that I used for Atripla which works best for me..
    I’ve been told that Luvigen should be taken during the day which becomes a challenge for me..
    Is there any harm in taking it at night?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emmanuel,

    By seeing if they work, are you referring to your viral load?

  9. Emmanuel

    after taking the drug’s when can I go for a test to see if it works

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nelson,

    There is some data that would suggest that if you’re taking efavirenz that there is a slight chance that the breast tissue may develop, please see here: It should be noted that this data isn’t very resent.

    It may be worth talking to your doctor about this and seeing if it’s worth putting you on another form of ARVs. However, it’s possible that the change in your body may not be anything to do with your meds.


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