Q and A


Can I drink alcohol with ARVs?

I have started ART a month ago. Before that I used to drink alcohol quite often.

Since I started ART, I try to not drink. But, I still want to.

Can I drink alcohol?


In general, one or two drink is likely to be fine, if this is something you enjoy. There are no interactions between alcohol and ARVs.

More heavy drinking however can lead to missing doses of your ARVs. This can cause your treatment to fail. This means that if you have a drink, make sure you find a way to not miss any of your meds. Moderation is important.

Two other concerns are important for people living with HIV:

  1. Alcohol can also make efavirenz side effects worse, in particular feeling dizzy, so be careful about this.
  2. Alcohol can make hepatitis or other liver complications progress more quickly. Alcohol is not recommended if you have hepatitis. See this information from the guide to HIV and hepatitis C:

The NHS website has a lot of information about alcohol. This is important whether you are HIV positive or HIV negative. See:
http://www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/Alcohol/Pages/Alcoholhome.aspx, and

In the UK, the NHS recommendations for alcohol are:

  • Men should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day. This is only 1-2 pints of lager – ie one strong drink.
  • Women should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day
  • If you’ve had a heavy drinking session, avoid alcohol for 48 hours.

“Regularly” means drinking this amount every day or most days of the week.


This question from 2008 was updated in September 2014.


  1. Haz

    What makes a person who is consistent in taking arv’s to take time to gain weight after loosing it un volunteerily

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Nag, thanks, it is okay to be an hour or two early or later with your meds. Any time in this window will be good,

  3. Nag

    Hi Josh Peasegood,

    Thanks for the response.

    I’m not missing any dose even after drinking alcohol.

    Only thing I’m missing is on time medicine intake. Like I’m taking after one – two hours after prescribed time.

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nag, yes you can take ART after drinking. There is no interaction between drinking and ART. The most importnat thing is that you remember to take your medication at the same time and alcohol does not cause you to forget this. Have you been okay remembering to take ART at the same time on the weekends you are drinking?

  5. Nag

    I have recently tested positive and I’m taking art medicine now.

    Doctor suggested me to take tablet in the night.

    Usually I drink with my friends on weekends in the night. I have limited to only one beer now. So can I take my art tablet after drinking beer/whisky.

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Bulelani, please talk to a doctor about the blisters who can say whether this is another infection or more likely to be from masturbating. Try also using more lubrication if linked to masturbation. HIV meds do not cause this. It is very good that you are on treatment but sorting out these other problems will be good too.

  7. Bulelani

    Hi ive been on Treatment for almost 4months and i havent been having sexual cause for almost 14 Months but expirience blisters on my private parts after consuming 1 bottle of whiskey….and yes ive been masturbating whenever i am having an erection due to personal reasons.

    Can it be the ARV’s?

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jeffrey, alcohol and cigarettes will not effect your ARV treatment. This is as long as alcohol does not interfere with you remembering to take your ARVs. Though as with any health condition, it is great that you are now on ARVs but cutting down/stopping using alcohol and/or cigarettes will help improve your overall health.

    Link to lifestyle factors and health: https://i-base.info/guides/side/lifestyle-factors-and-your-health


    I have a week drinking arv so should I stop using alcohol or cigarettes

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bhele,

    Alcohol doesn’t have any interested with ARVs, so it’s up to you when you decide to have a drink.


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